posted by Kumar on Monday, March 20, 2023

Yesterday i received a call from +965 66776070. Initially, an automated voice was speaking in Arabic and then in English, saying that my ATM and Civil ID has been blocked by the MOI and an Officer will connect with me shortly. I realized its spam and was careful not to furnish any details. Just to frustrate the so called ''Officer'', who was asking for my Civil ID details, i asked him to show some sort of proof that he is from the MOI. He said "wait i ll call you form the ministry Landline" and hung up, never called again.

What i understood from this is :
1. The ''Officer'' is some Pakistani guy, trying hard to copy the Arabic accent and speak like a Kuwait Official. But unfortunately, his natural slang dint help him there.
2. Two days back, i had contacted Ooreedo customer service regarding an issue, where i had furnished my Civil ID details and phone no. The customer service rep at Ooreedoo was a Pakistani as well. 2 days later, i get this spam call.
3. Two months back, I had contacted Ooreedoo customer service and again, 2 days later i get this spam call.

My question is, is these Customer service guys / contracted agency is somewhat related to this spam group? Because, these Customer service guys are the ones who are totally accessible to all our info such and Civil ID and Mobile No. What if they are all linked?
Does someone using STC / Viva experienced the same issue?

Can a formal complaint be lodged to the Ooreedo management to have a look into this issue ?

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