Kuwait driving license not available via online system

posted by Fayyu on Monday, October 19, 2020

I am employed for one sponsor since 2007 till date, since then my position is "Mandoop Mubiyat" in my work permit. I got my Kuwait Driving license in November 2010 for the validity of 10 years which is ending next month (November, 2020). My job title in my work permit got changed to "Mandoop Mushtariyat" in 2016 due to removal of job title "mandoop mubiyat" from our shoon file, but still the new Job title is "Mandoop" again.

Now when I am checking to renew my license online. It has shown as ''I don''''t have any license'', when I am still being employed by the same sponsor and same job title for the past 10years and even my license got issued in 2010 which is again not related to the new rules of 2013.

Could anyone guide and suggest me on what to do for my license renewal? I am worried that I may not get any proper information if I go myself to any of the Traffic department. Please advise.

Thank you

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