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India’s Independence

Maryam Ahmed, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, August 5, 2020
India’s Independence

Long before the fateful night of the 15th of August 1947 was a bitter sequence of wretched battles that raged within the chaotic borders of India. Struggling against the iron-cast grip of the English, the people of India—regardless of colour and faith—held each other’s worn-out, frail hands for the ubiquitous thirst for independence.

After centuries of toiling in the hands of the foreigners—extracting indigo powders that were as serene as the twinkling, midnight skies of Athens, weaving silver-thread silks that slipped through the hands like water, and packing fine powders of fragrant spices and musk into glass cases—the country had a silent agreement that it was time that they took their entrancing beauty and ample resources into their own hands.

And so, we now look at the present. A nation bound to its image of dusky red forts and gleaming marble palaces to its architectural masterpieces inspired by the modern principles of biomimicry like the Lotus Temple—India has not stopped impressing since its independence 73 years ago. Naturally, such architectural brilliance is due to historic mastery of several Indians before us—from astounding Mughal prowess to Rajput radiance—there is not an epoch in Hindustani history that didn’t bring along with it its architectural pioneers. So to no one’s surprise, the country takes a glittering celebration of what we’d accomplished, how far we’ve come, and how much more we have yet to go on the 15th of August, a date every Indian has marked on their calendars. With much pomp and glory is this day celebrated, with festivities that crackle and spark throughout the streets that last till late at night.

I can say that my most awaited occurrence of the Independence Day celebration is the annual rebirth of tricolor knickknacks that flood the markets. Swathing the streets in brilliant shades of saffron, white and emerald—from badges fashioned to resemble India to the tricolored popsicle sticks (a family favorite!)—the country really is a sight to behold on the days leading to the 15th of August.

Maryam Ahmed
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