The religion of Islam is the most beautiful religion, with more than 2 billion followers. This beautiful religion has a few rules that need to be followed. These include the 5 pillars of Islam- Profession of Faith (Shahadah), Prayer (Salat), Alms (Zakat), Fasting (Sawm) and Pilgrimage (Hajj).
The pillar of Fasting is done during the Holy Month of Ramadan. It is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, consisting of 29 or 30 days. The significance of this month is the revelation of the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Fasting is obligatory for those who have reached the age of adolescence. The fast begins at the break of dawn, after the Fajr prayer.
Before dawn, however, a pre-fast meal, known as Suhoor, is taken, which gives the required energy for the day. During the fast, one can perform several good deeds like reading the Quran, praying, giving charity, etc. in order to increase the reward of fasting. The fast is broken at sunset, with dates. One can eat several delicacies in order to break the fast, such as fruit salad, onion fritters, bread rolls, samosas, spring rolls, etc.
The breaking of the fast is known as Fatoor. After the evening prayer, a series of extra prayers is held in all mosques, known as Taraweeh. This prayer is 8 sets long. It is obligatory for all to pray the Taraweeh. The last 10 days of Ramadan are the most important. Among these 10 days, there is one particular day, on which all the prayers are accepted and all sins are forgiven.
During these 10 days, another extra series of prayers is held in mosques at midnight. It is recommended for all to stay up at night and worship Allah. It is also recommended to repent for our mistakes as much as possible. Giving out charity is a must during the Holy Month as it increases the reward of fasting. The end of Ramadan is celebrated by Eid ul Fitr, which includes the buying of new clothes, exquisite delicacies, etc.
This celebration lasts for 3 days. The Month of Ramadan is the most prominent month of the Islamic Calendar, as most of our bad deeds are forgiven by the Most Merciful Allah. We must cherish each Ramadan, as the next one is not promised.
Abdullah Sabih,VII-D,Carmel School Kuwait |