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Plan to withdraw around 300,000 expats driving license

Friday, March 31, 2023
Plan to withdraw around 300,000 expats driving license

Authorities are preparing to review the driving license of all expatriates in the country to address the growing problem of traffic jam on the roads. According to local Al Jarida Arabic newspaper, the move is to withdraw around 300,000 driving license of expatriates. The report said that the top authorities have given strict instruction to withdraw the driving licence of all expatriates who doesn't have university degree and a minimum of 600 KD salary. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Withdrawing license of expats not a solution. To reduce the traffic on the road, many countries use metro train. Govt. should immediately start a project of metro train. It will reduce traffic on the road. People will prefer to travel to metro-train.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Another genius idea....!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Without considering the expatriates the overall economic development is difficult. There is few topics to be considered while moving with this hard decision. Is there any alternate facility for these people to go to office or else. The public transportation system will not manage a huge crowd may depend on public transport system. The taxi charges will increase and can''t depend taxi for these purposes.

raymond george
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Degree and Driving License relation not comprehendible at all.
Anyways , what ever rules they come up with , we should understand that they can do this only in the 17,818 km2 they have, its their right and their choice. We dont need to get upset about it. We have to look for greener pastures. There will be a time they realize the drawbacks of their decisions, perhaps then they would change their rules from Degree to Driver license to Encourage school buses, Add metros, Number of cars owned.

Sunday, April 2, 2023
First of all they are targeting expatriates who have only 1 Car - Now a days Kuwait to leave and work without car and mobile not possible. Secondly many companies are crying to give increasement even if you are capable for particular work so many of them to get KD 600/- salaries impossible. I think they will not withdraw around 300,000 driving license of expatriates withdraw around 300,000 expats driving licenses. Not possible at all.

Father of Truth
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Anyone from Kerala Andhra and Telangana ???? how rude? If you are so upset, go home man stop complaining like a pussy.

Samantha Balvadia
Sunday, April 2, 2023
There are lot of people in fake university degress in government sector as well as private sector. Let the goverment solve the traffic problem not to see fake certificates instead to focus on traffic solving issues.

Sunday, April 2, 2023
Implementation of traffic rules for all drivers irrespective of Nationality is must and also to study how other GCC countries manage their traffic problem. Issuing of licenses earlier through "WASTA" of various ways created traffic jams and withdrawing the licenses is not fair ethically & morally and also doesn''t solve the problem entirely. Licenses has to be issued based on market requirements and also local employment.

Sunday, April 2, 2023
Lack of Transport facilities, Lack of bus facilities, No Metro train. and same Old road, dont understand 600 kwd salary for license. a License should be given to person who knows to drive and pass driving test and not as per salary. Soon all Car showrooms will be closed.

Saturday, April 1, 2023
Anyone from Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana should be checked case by case, which will definitely solve many issues

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Good Decision

Provide micro van to all location more populated area ,make
substitute arrangements for public same like honkong

Saturday, April 1, 2023
Very good decision.

similarly lot of fake graduates including engineers.

strict actions to be taken and ban those nationalities for 1 year for all visas.

Mohamed Othman
Saturday, April 1, 2023
the license is not a problem the problem is proper plan and organization,

for example, look at nowadays during Ramadaan not much traffic we just have to organize the timings of school ministry employees and the private sector on a different time basis,

William DSouza
Friday, March 31, 2023
How the business will move or develop without driving?

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