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Don’t force your child to pursue a career of your choice: Dr. Binumon, Principal ICSK

Thursday, May 23, 2024
Don’t force your child to pursue a career of your choice: Dr. Binumon, Principal ICSK

As leaders shaping young minds, principals play a crucial role in navigating the challenges and opportunities within the education system. In an exclusive interview with, Dr. Binumon, Principal and Senior Administrator of the Indian Community School Kuwait (ICSK), shares his journey in education, innovative strategies, and insights on fostering a thriving learning environment.

IIK: Was teaching a conscious choice for you, or did it happen by accident?

Dr. Binumon: Throughout my career, I've observed three types of teachers. The first category includes those who are forced into teaching, often by their parents. They do their job by the clock, without extra effort or emotion. Unfortunately, many teachers fall into this category.

The second category comprises individuals who also ended up in teaching due to limited choices or parental pressure. However, their perspective changes after interacting with students, leading them to develop a passion for the profession.

The third category consists of those with an inborn passion for teaching, and they are rare.

I belong to the second category. My ambition was to become an IPS officer. After completing my Master’s in Science, I passed the Civil Service Preliminary exam but failed the Main exam, my first academic failure. Desperate and without other options, I followed my father's advice and joined a BEd course. During a live teaching training in my final year, my life took a 360-degree turn. Teaching 12th-grade students, I developed a strong bond with them and started loving the profession. This marked a new chapter in my life.

IIK: How did your transition from teacher to principal happen?

Dr. Binumon: It was another accidental turn. I got an opportunity to join a MES school in Malappuram district in Kerala. After a few years, the Chairman asked me to take on the role of Senior Secondary Head Master. I believe that my childhood dream of becoming a police officer helped me embrace this responsibility at a young age.

IIK: What are the three most important qualities a principal must have?

Dr. Binumon: A principal must possess communication skills, problem-solving skills, and decision-making skills. These, combined with a positive outlook, are essential. In some cases, we need to take an immediate decision and that can significantly impact a child’s future, so it’s crucial to handle tricky situations involving students, teachers, parents, and management effectively.

IIK: What values set you apart from others?

Dr. Binumon: I appreciate students for their positive changes rather than just their marks. As an institution, school should be able to make the student as a good human being with positive values. That student will become our brand identity for the institute.

One thing I make it a point is to personally call and wish each student on their birthday. It is not an easy task to call and spend some time talking to 10 or 20 students on an average every day. Despite the stress, I do this gesture to make a significant positive impact on those students on their birthday.

IIK: Can you share any unique teaching methodologies or extracurricular programs you have implemented?

Dr. Binumon: I have two very important points to share here. We introduced two key initiatives. First, our charity initiative involves a charity box where students can contribute few coins. This helps inculcate compassion and empathy, addressing the lack of these values in nuclear family setups, especially in Gulf countries.

I have been involved with some analysis project on increasing number of parents keeping their parents on old age home. Upon analysis, the root cause appears to be the prevalence of nuclear family setups. Particularly in Gulf countries, families often consist solely of the husband, wife, and their children. In these setups, each spouse tends to focus on their own immediate family. As the same children grow up and get married, their priorities again shift to their own spouse and kids, often resulting in the parents being placed in luxury old age homes with all the best amenities. This shift reflects a lack of compassion and empathy among the younger generation.

To address this, we have launched an initiative to instill these values in our students, and the results have been remarkable. We invite underprivileged patients identified by our well-wisher doctors and nurses from public hospitals to join us as guests at our assemblies. This provides an opportunity for students to see their pain and difficulties. The students present a charity amount of 150 KD to each patients. Every month we invite six cancer patients to the charity assembly. This sincere action fosters a deep sense of empathy and compassion in our students, and on many occasions, our teachers have witnessed students silently wiping their tears after these interactions. I believe that education should aim to develop students into good human beings; otherwise, what is the use of scoring full marks in Maths or Science?

The second thing I would like to highlight is our initiative on developing the public speaking skill and self-confidence. We introduced "Teach Me" sessions. During zero hour, students teach their favourite subjects, not necessary on academic syllabus, but anything that students interested in, mentored by a teacher. This has significantly improved not only their public speaking skills, but also develops self confidence among the students.

IIK: What are your strategies for the professional development of teachers?

Dr. Binumon: Teachers need to update themselves with their subjects and at the same time, should connect with their students emotionally. A good teacher should feel a parental bond with the students, becoming a second mom or dad at school. As long as the student’s emotion is not touching the teacher, he or she cannot be a good teacher.

IIK: How do you engage with the parent community?

Dr. Binumon: I am fortunate to have a trusting parent community at ICSK. They believe in my commitment to doing good for all, and it is my responsibility to uphold that trust.

IIK: Can you share something about your personal life?

Dr. Binumon: My wife, a civil engineer, lives with my elderly parents, demonstrating empathy and compassion. My two daughters, who recently completed their 12th and 10th grades, live with her. I never force career choices on them; I left it to them and my elder daughter recently appeared for the NEET exam.

IIK: Any message for the parents?

Dr. Binumon: I have an important message for parents. First and foremost, don't wish to achieve your wishes through your kids. Your role is to support and motivate them, especially during their teenage years. Treat your adolescent children both as children and as budding adults. Mothers should aim to be their daughter's best friend, and fathers should strive to be their son's best friend.

I also urge parents to ensure that at least one meal a day is shared together as a family, around a single table, without the distraction of mobile phones, television, or other gadgets. Use this time to engage in meaningful conversations with your children and involve them in the dialogue.

Finally, don’t force your child to pursue a career of your choice. Discover their interests and, if necessary, use aptitude tests to guide them towards their goals. Remember, we parents lived our lives 20 or 30 years ago, but our children are experiencing a different world and will face a future 20 years ahead. Instead of comparing their lives to our past, we need to prepare them for their own future.

IIK: Thank you for your valuable time and insights. We wish you all the best. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Gini Jayan
Sunday, June 2, 2024
A well narrated informative interview as a Principal who mends a student in all aspect . Really appreciate your involvement in this profession as a great teacher .🙏🏻

Shabnam Dalwai
Thursday, May 30, 2024
An excellent interview ! Dr Binumon has brought about a vast improvement in ICSK right since he took on the position of the Principal of the school.
His approach towards bringing about desirable changes in students, not just academically but also as empathetic individuals, is truly commendable. His invaluable guidance will definitely help in developing and shaping all his students into worthy personalities in all spheres of their lives.

Sanil Kumar
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Congratulations 🎉 🎉 🎉
A big salute sir
A very informative interview for both teachers and parents.
The energy and inspiration that comes from your words is priceless and may you become the pride of our country

Manuel justin
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
icsk children''s are really blessed with principal like you sir.very nice interview good question and answers are so accurate.

Monday, May 27, 2024
@Soumya and Varghese, you are totally wrong. Other than the first two question on how he became in this profession, everything else is relevant for today''s parents. How the school is inculcating humanitarian values, how he is encouraging the kids with personal call on birthdays... all the parents must be aware of as they need to replicate the same at home also..
Thanks to IIK for this wonderful interview.

Varghese K T
Monday, May 27, 2024
@soumya you are spot on in your observation and I feel only you have read every bit of the interview. Yes IIK chose a relevant topic but interviewer like the interviewed went very much off track. No personal accomplishments of yesteryears will solve the problems of today’s parents. Look forward to a better version of this soon with another esteemed principal or any counselor living in kuwait.


Anitha Murali
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Thanks to IIK for an exclusive interview with such a wonderful personality. Dr. V Binumon is one of the Best Principal ICSK could ever get. In this interview all questions very well addressed itself personifies his dedication and commitment towards his profession and Society. A man of Confidence, Hardworking, Modest, Loves his mother land wherever he lives and keeps a benchmark on whatever job he does👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Sunday, May 26, 2024
I read the interview and the responses from so many of you including a few principals that I know in Kuwait. Thank you IIK for the title of the interview however 95 percent of the questions are not directed to the topic of your article. As a parent I wanted insight into knowing what a parent should be aware of based on a senior principal’s experience. Sadly nothing I could learn from this article. Personal life of a person who is 50 years or more is no means to learn what today’s parents should be doing. What worked then may not be applicable for 21st century learners. A principal must be a good teacher first not an administrator a point missing here. In Kuwait the only principal who taught and excelled is the former principal of Bhavan’s and LoA principal. He has to lead the teachers academically first. Why ICSK students 80 percent or even more go for tuitions? I expected better points for educating parents on how not to force children the way their parents wish them to grow in life.

Soumya- Parent

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Thank you Dr. Binumon for your invaluable contributions and for being the guiding light of our educational community.

Adithya Narayan Rajesh
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Every sentence that I read made me realize how blessed and proud I am in being a student at your esteemed institution sir. Really thought provoking and a much needed article for both of my personal and professional career. Hoping for such accident turns to happen in my life too in order to shape it better.

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Versatile personality, true leader whose knowledge is immense and infinite, guide, motivator affter all a very good human being with lots and lots of positivity
. A person who spreads lots of positivity.....wherever he goes.... So proud and blessed to be his student...
Apart from academic excellance of students he also focus on developing human values ....which is very important now a days..... Proud of you Sir....... Keep going...

U r the best

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Excellent Sir !!
It sends the message to the community about the importance of education not just for academic success but also for establishing practices that help children map their values and confidence building activities that are essential for helping them develop life skills which they need to fit in with society. It also exhorts parents to think of their children as adults while choosing a career.

Jimmy Rakesh
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Excellent interview indeed. Dr. Binumon''s insights into education and his dedication to nurturing not just academic excellence but also values like empathy and compassion are truly commendable. Overall, his interview serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative role educators play in shaping the future.

Asha Ebey
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Dear sir, thank you for being such a good role model for our children as well as us teachers.

I am sure that every teacher after reading about your life will be inspired to change their perspective on teaching and make an impact on their students.

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Excellent interview. Best possible advice to parents. Kudos to Dr Binumon for motivating teachers and students to contribute in building a better society. Best wishes.

Donald Errol Weilson, Principal, Buds Public School, Dubai
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Gainful insights through an honest, yet modest sharing.
Inspiring to budding educators around the Indian and Gulf sector.
Much needed

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Worth time spending for reading this interview. It''s not just his answer. This is his personality. The past one year I personally observed him by working under his leadership. He is having very good problem solving skills. He loves active people and their innovative ideas. Feeling very proud working under Dr.V.Binumon.

Shibu Abdul Rasheed
Friday, May 24, 2024
Wonderful and thought provoking words sir…
A committed leader to enhance the lives of thousands of children and Teachers…

Friday, May 24, 2024
Proud of you sir, really thought-provoking and inspiring!

Indira Radhakrishnan
Friday, May 24, 2024
Apt answer for each question....
Your vision for our school is truly remarkable...

Bharathy Srinivasulu Reddy
Friday, May 24, 2024
Respected Binumon Sir has rightly provided the neex of the day for students.. Its important that students grow up as good human than earning grades..
The means to teach students to respect teachers through Teach Me programme is appreciated.
The principal, teachers and all staff and non-staff of ICSK connect to studdnts as Icsk family an extension of home.. I congradulate whole ICSK family and its team leader Dr. BINUMON sir for his immense thought to brighten the students and their future...Jai Hind

Friday, May 24, 2024
Salute to Dr. Binumon for preparing the next generation with his noble thoughts and his good mentality

Friday, May 24, 2024
Excellent interview. Best possible advice to parents. Wishes to Dr Binumon to continue motivating teachers and students to build a better society.

Dr Achuthan
Friday, May 24, 2024
Extraordinarily beautiful and honest and from his heart revelations from a genuine compassionate educator and senior principal. His immaculately thoughtful advise will be a game changer for the success of next generation of students.
Extremely lucky and blessed are his students under his care , they benefit from his creative innovative school climate in empowering students with first class academics coupled with developing empathy and compassion in feeling for our fellow beings . Notably the public speaking and confidence development innovative periods for seniors and Dr Binumon sir’s initiative of respecting the students , talking to the seniors , ensuring to greet them on their special birthdays is a significant move in the lives of students , which will go a long way with enriched memories in their life’s journey. Evidently , these are very powerful , but inexpensive innovative ideas of excellent school education.

My respects to an erudite scholar and a fine administrator with a large heart to help students, parents and all in his care . May the almighty bless Dr Binumon with many more years of noble service to spread his unique ideas to the gifted student community and all stake holders under his care .
Wishing Dr Binumon sir GODSPEED success in his noble service in the field of education.

Friday, May 24, 2024
Excellent Interview and Very well said Sir. We should give our children freedom and time to discover their skills. Your''s Vision and motivation surely help the students to develop and achieve their success.

Sreekutty Gopika Ravi
Friday, May 24, 2024
Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best. Implanting empathy within minds of future generation is the best thing that you do. Really appreciate the efforts you are taking in this regard sir.

Arul Dharmaraj Thomas
Friday, May 24, 2024
Excellent and befitting answers Dr Binumon
Your experience as a senior leader is vivid from your responses
Wishing you all the best

Friday, May 24, 2024
Congratulations sir. It''s really amazing and wonderful. Superb. You are always an inspiration to so many people. You motivate many students and your teammates. You are training your students in right direction to be the best human beings. God bless you.

Gincy Mathew
Friday, May 24, 2024
Sir, truly inspiring interview. Parents should support their child''s interest and passions rather than imposing their own career choices.

Dr Joy Joseph
Friday, May 24, 2024
Salute to Dr Binumon for the spontaneity and earnestness expressed through out the interaction.
Hope that this interview will be beneficial to educators and educational leaders globally.

Sreelekshmi Binumon
Friday, May 24, 2024
Just going through the above made me realised how involved you are in your profession life acha..
Goosebumps all over the body feels too proud being your daughter

Friday, May 24, 2024
"Such an inspiring journey, Dr. Binumon! It''s a great reminder that our childhood dreams and experiences shape us in unique ways. Your advice on not forcing children into specific career paths is crucial for their happiness and success. Kudos to your leadership at ICSK!"

Friday, May 24, 2024
Very good interview with the Respected National Awardee Principal Dr. V. Binumon ji. All questions have been replied by him out of his long experience and rich understanding of issues related to the stakeholders; especially students and parents. Hopefully this interview will reach thousands and there would be a sense of understanding for what needs to be done and how the paren-centric approach should be towards their children for happy and prosperous life. My sincere wishes and greetings to the Principal Sir.🙏🌹

Dr. Shekhar
Friday, May 24, 2024
Binumon Sir has fluidly explained what is teacher student relationship. He has expressed very innovative ideas of communication for his students.
Expecting you sir for another round of your thoughts.

Bharathy Srinivasulu Reddy
Friday, May 24, 2024
The points that impressed me and i appreciated the most are:
1. Students need to be true good human than grades
2. TEACH ME made students get to know the importance of discipline
3. CHARITY begins at icsk made icsk a second home for students
4. Connectivity : students are connected to their friends and teachers thus making icsk a big huge family
5. ALL love and feel proud to belong to icsk FAMILY..
CONGRADULATIONS TO ALL ICSK MEMBERS FOR THE GREAT SERVICE OFFERED BY Teachers of past present and future.. Let kids get more knowledge to select his bright future.. JAIHIND..

Harshad Kamarudeen
Friday, May 24, 2024
I’m being a parent this is an eye opening for me. Thank you for sharing your experience and the guidance. This will definitely make significant change in the way we bring up our children.

Friday, May 24, 2024
Excellent interview sir.The thought you expressed to parents about not to force your kids to complete your wish than to pursue there own wish is very realistic.

Friday, May 24, 2024
Good emotional interview Sir, you are the role model for the many generations across the globes.

Friday, May 24, 2024
A role model for us who inspires and motivates us daily.
Truly blessed for ICSK to have such a wonderful, compassionate human being as the Principal.
We are privileged !

K N Sasidharan
Friday, May 24, 2024
All the best Binumon

Friday, May 24, 2024
Dr. V. Binumon is a guidebook for those aspiring to become leaders in the academic realm. His doors are always open to the all the parents who come to meet him. Working from 7 in the morning until 8 in the evening would exhaust most people, but not him. His holistic approach to education is his hallmark. A student graduating from ICSK Senior must have had myriad opportunities to speak, act, dance, present, and more, all without compromising their academics. Last year, ICSK Senior won the trophy for Grade 12 results, and this year’s results are also exceptional, with several subjects achieving centum exclusively at ICSK. All just because of his vision and his relentless pursuit of excellence.

Shibymol Babu
Friday, May 24, 2024
Great thoughts sir!

Soumya Vipin
Friday, May 24, 2024
A very informative interview for both teachers and parents.

Friday, May 24, 2024
Certainly! Here’s a concise and heartfelt appreciation note for a principal:

Your unwavering commitment to our school community has made a profound impact on both students and staff. Your vision, guidance, and support create an environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.

Jithin Thomas
Friday, May 24, 2024
Sounds down to earth and need of the hour

Thursday, May 23, 2024
Excellent interview and salute to Dr. Binumon for his noble thoughts and endeavors in preparing the next generation to be good human beings !

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