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Class 1 Orientation Programme at Integrated Indian School: Nurturing New Beginnings

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Class 1 Orientation Programme at Integrated Indian School: Nurturing New Beginnings

The Class 1 orientation program held at Integrated Indian School, on 27th March, 2024, marked the beginning of a new academic journey for our young learners. The program aimed to acquaint parents with the school's ethos, policies, and the vision for the holistic development of their children.

The program commenced with a solemn prayer, invoking blessings for the success and well-being of all present. It set a reflective tone, emphasizing the importance of spirituality in education.

Mrs. Ritu Mathur, our esteemed principal, extended a warm welcome to all parents, expressing gratitude for their presence and trust in the school. The principal's words resonated with warmth and reassurance, fostering a sense of belonging among the parents.

Following which, each teacher was introduced, highlighting their areas of expertise, and roles within the school. This allowed for personal connections to be established and familiarized parents and students with the educators who will be guiding them.

Principal then stressed the significance of discipline in shaping responsible behaviour and maintaining a conducive learning environment. School rules and expectations regarding student conduct were also outlined, along with the disciplinary procedures in place to address any infractions.

The importance of regular attendance for academic progress and social integration was emphasized. Parents were informed about the school's attendance policies, procedures for reporting absences, and the significance of punctuality

The Principal underscored the pivotal role of positive parenting in nurturing children's growth and development. Emphasizing the importance of a supportive home environment, the principal offered insights and practical tips for fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning and emotional well-being. The principal highlighted the significance of open communication, setting reasonable expectations, and providing unwavering encouragement to children. Drawing from personal anecdotes and research-backed evidence, the discourse illuminated the transformative power of positive reinforcement and constructive guidance in shaping children's character and resilience. Parents were encouraged to actively engage in their child's educational journey, fostering a partnership with the school to ensure holistic development. The principal's impassioned plea for mindful parenting resonated deeply with the audience, inspiring a collective commitment to prioritize the well-being and growth of their children.

The orientation programme concluded with an interactive session, allowing parents to ask questions and seek clarifications on any aspect of the school's policies or procedures. Parents expressed appreciation for the informative session and their confidence in the school's ability to provide a nurturing educational environment for their children.

Overall, the orientation programme served as a valuable opportunity for parents and students to familiarize themselves with the school community and its expectations. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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