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The Holy Month of Ramadan and The Noble Values

Sarah Mohammed, IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, March 13, 2024
The Holy Month of Ramadan and The Noble Values

Significance of Ramadan

To lead a value based life, one needs to adopt firmly in his daily life, the key qualities like tolerance, self-control and empathy. The holy month of Ramadan is a ‘preparatory period’ for the Muslims all around the world to look into themselves, appraise their previous year’s performance, adopt corrective measures as required and thereby structure and re-structure their lives and faith in God, so that they are ready for leading a value based disciplined life for the rest of the year and thereafter. Thus, the Muslim scholars calls Ramadan more as a ‘purification period’ than as a ‘fasting period’. To quote the words of the Muslim scholar, Dr. Abdul Bari, “Ramadan is not just an abstention from food and drink. It is an exercise in self-restraint, patience and discipline.” Muslims believe that it was during the month of Ramadan that the Holy Quran was sent down from the heaven for the guidance of men and women, for declaration of direction, and for the means of salvation.

The aforesaid concept of ‘purification’ is reflected within the literal meaning of term ‘Ramadan’ itself. The term has been derived from the Arabic word ‘Ramidha’ or ‘Ar-Ramad’, the literal meaning of which is ‘intense scorching heat’. In the context of the holy month of Ramadan, it means the spiritual heat that helps to purify one by burning the sins of the believers and shapes him to be a better human being, just like how the intense heating remove impurities from the gold in its elementary form and bring out the gold in its purest form.

Thus, Ramadan stands for testing ourselves, purifying ourselves so that virtues like patience, good mannerism, generosity, empathy, kindness, humility and patience are developed and cemented in one and above all he remains humble and grateful to the Almighty.

Significance of Fasting

During the entire month of Ramadan, it is obligatory for the Muslims to fast which starts immediately before the assigned time for morning prayer of Fajar until the evening prayer of Magarib, each day. The timing differs based on season and based on geographical locations. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. In its true meaning, fasting means absenteeism from food, water, negative emotions like anger, hate, violence, etc. During this period, Muslims dedicate more time on prayers and recitation of Holy Quran with a view to develop and firm-up virtues. Thus, abstaining from physical food and water alone will not constitute a valid fasting, unless mentally one is totally abstaining from all negative thoughts and acts, and completely dedicating himself to the path of patience and kindness.

Many study reports reveals the benefits of fasting – the benefits it brings physically, mentally and spiritually. The intended end result at the end of fasting period in Ramadan is a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy personality who can, through righteous means, face and manage the daily life challenges waiting for him. Thus, fasting is an act of worship where one shows his dedication to the God by bringing out the best out of him and thereby get himself ready to spread love and kindness to the whole of the humanity.

At the end of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate the Eid Al Fitr. It is the festival of breaking the fast. It symbolize the readiness one has achieved to spread brotherhood and kindness to the world – a readiness he has achieved through rigorous fasting in its true spirit.

Virtues to be Nurtured

The key virtues one needs to focus to achieve through fasting is to develop and maintain at least the following three key qualities as an outcome:

a)Tolerance: It is an attitude of mutual respect regardless of diversity in opinions, is a key element. Many Muslim scholars emphasize the need for tolerance by quoting various verses from Holy Quran where tolerance is viewed as an important requirement for coexistence.

b)Patience: It is an ability to manage worries with calmness without compromising one’s faith. Noble Quran advocates that victory is for those who shows patience.

c)Kindness: The Noble Quran urges the believers to adopt firmly the quality of kindness, In fact, the message is to spread kindness to the whole of the humanity.

Ramadan is the time to concentrate on our virtue developments, spiritual accomplishments and connecting with the God. Let us all welcome this Ramadan with a heart full peace, harmony, and joy. May this Ramadan be filled with benefits for all of the humanity. A happy Ramadan to all!

Sarah Mohammed
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Prasanta Kumar Behera
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Excellent writing at this young age. Keep it up. The Lord bless you for a bright future.

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