It was an atmosphere of jubilation when the ace athletes of India International School Mangaf qualified for the CBSE National Athletic Meet held in Raipur, Chhattisgarh from November 5th to 7th. The excitement reached its peak when Zeefa Jilani, a student of grade XII in the U-19 category for girls, secured the second position with an impressive throw covering a distance of 29.32 meters in Javelin Throw.
In tandem with this endeavour, Ayurda Mukkil Ajith from grade VIII participated in the U-14 category for girls' shot put and secured the 13th rank. Sree Hari Nandan competed in the U-17 category for boys' long jump, while Kammara Jesudas Noel Raj participated in the U-17 boys' discus throw.
Director Malayil Moosa Koya, Principal K. V. Indulekha, and Vice Principal Dr. Saleem Kundungal extended their heartiest congratulations and wishes to all the participants, including the coach, Dr. T. Ramesh Kumar, for their unwavering dedication and hard work. They emphasized the profound significance of these accomplishments, highlighting their role in cultivating a culture of sportsmanship and excellence within India International School Mangaf. Looking ahead, they expressed optimism for continued success and growth in the realm of athletics.