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Importance of Teacher’s Day

Mathew George Sunday, September 4, 2022
Importance of Teacher’s Day

“True teachers are those who help us think for ourselves.”

Since ancient times and throughout the years of the human revolution, human beings have learnt how things work by observing the environment and the nature around him. First of all, the man invented fire to cook food, then realised the need to protect himself from wild animals and to face any climatic situation around him. Then after many years had passed, he invented the wheel which was the greatest discovery by man to ease the time and effort for the transportation of goods from one place to another. They determined the direction of the journey by studying the stars and the bright objects of the night sky. In other words, we can also say that all this happened because of two things, which are need and curiosity. These two fundamental principles were the backbone of any great invention or discovery in the history of mankind. Here, we can see that nature was the greatest teacher of mankind. They understood how to live and work for living by studying and observing nature.

Today, it is quite inevitable to say that there are many means and ways to gain knowledge, but schools are the primary source of education and knowledge for almost everyone around the world. On the other hand, one might also say and argue that there are other ways to gain knowledge such as the Internet. Today, internet is a hub of information and a source of gaining knowledge within just a click away. But the question arises that can it replace a living human being, who spends his whole life learning himself by solving problems in his surroundings and providing that knowledge to his students? I don’t think so.

Importance of having good teachers in a student’s life

It is a true fact that all of us are students for our whole life. Learning is a continuous process as we keep on learning from our very first breath to the last. After a child is born, his first teachers are really his own parents. Our parents having been teaching us the fundamental things on how to live happily since our birth. The first thing that a child learns is how to crawl and then eventually walk independently in their life journey. Then, that is where the journey of that kid’s academic education starts. We can see that teachers in various school not only teach their students to read and write but they also teaches the fundamental qualities a person should possess in his/her life and these moral qualities are discipline, punctuality, courage, empathy, honesty, obedience, respect and many others which each and every child must have. A good teacher, like the one I mentioned above, not only teaches the students how to earn the living but also teaches the students to be a better person and make better decisions in life that will influence the people around him. He/she inspires the students to work hard and be successful in their career life and most importantly, to be humble and down to earth in every way possible. Hence, we can say that teachers are truly the best influencers that shape the future of our society.

Importance of Teachers as a Role Model for students

In reality, students are like a soft clay who are waiting to be shaped and moulded into sculptures of perfection. No doubt, teachers play a very important role to mould and shape the minds of the students to become great leaders. Even in real life, we can see that the world-famous leaders which are followed by hundreds and thousands of people all over the globe do agree that their teachers are people behind their success and reason behind who they are. Many successful leaders and famous personalities agree that the lessons, knowledge, and qualities their teachers and mentors taught them since childhood is what actually helped them to become who they are now. We can observe that they always give full credit of their success to their teachers and mentors who taught them how to live. These teachers are truly the role model for them to explore the world around them. Our teachers inspire us to pursue our dream with great dedication and passion to achieve the aim of our life. A good teacher provides the knowledge which he has experienced selflessly and helps to shape the lives of hundreds of students around him. And hence, we can otherwise call teachers as our best role models. It is quite true that each and every teacher has an important part in our lives and they impact us every day. Not only do they teach us something new in our life each passing day, they also teach us moral lessons that help us to live our lives with peace and happiness. Luckily, I was also able to have an inspirational teacher who pushed me beyond all my limits and failures and always believed in whatever I did. That marvellous teacher was my eighth-grade Maths teacher, Mrs. Aneesa Hassim whom I shall never forget in my life. Mrs. Aneesa Hassim was not only my Maths teacher for that particular academic year, but she will always be my role model and my inspiration of my life journey. She taught me how to believe in myself and achieve my goals when I believed that I could not achieve success or meet my goals. Earlier, I never used to have confidence in what I was studying and I would always give up easily when a task was too difficult. However, Mrs. Aneesa Hassim never gave up on me and continued to motivate me in whatever subject I was studying, even through my tantrums. Surely, I can say that I will never forget the life lessons that she taught me for my whole life.

Current Situation and Importance of Teachers in India

We should be proud to say that our country, India has a rich heritage of education and knowledge. People from various countries and continents around the world study our literature, ancient texts which were written by wise gurus to gain knowledge from it and apply it to today’s modern world. It is our pride that India gave the famous system of Ayurveda to the world, the different ancient and knowledge-rich texts about natural medicines to cure various ailments.

But unfortunately, the picture our education system is getting changed today. The factor behind this is that the quality of education is getting highly decreased. In today’s modern world, the knowledge an individual is measured only by his/her grades or the merits that one have achieved in life. Money minding people of this world have made our education system a money-generating business where the money that one spends has a great power to determine what kind of education you can get. In other words, the reservation system of today has also affected the way an education system works. Today, the lack of unskilled labour is increasing tremendously, resulting in huge unemployment because the schools and colleges are failing to properly groom the students as a versatile personality with great skills and industry acumen for the betterment of our society.

Nowadays, we can see that the teachers in government schools and colleges are paid very less hence creating a question of their survival. Most of them are also appointed to do government work such as census, as well as election duties. So, to rebuild our education system in India, all teachers should be made strong by giving equal importance to everyone. Most importantly, they should be provided with the salary they deserve and other facilities for their livelihood which will help them provide good quality education to the students for a bright future in the path of our country’s development.

“Teaching is the most noblest profession on the earth”

There is certainly no doubt in the above mentioned quote. There is no other noble job than spending the whole life for learning and helping others to gain knowledge. And hence, we can conclude that teachers are no doubt, the pillars of our civilization.

Mathew George
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