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The Hardship of frontline workers

Ayman Muhammed Monday, May 24, 2021
The Hardship of frontline workers

We all are very sad being stuck at home, doing nothing except spending hours at the computer screen, studying and playing. Wasn’t better the time when we were going to school and enjoy the moment of studying and playing. But this pandemic has forbidden us from doing many of our daily routines. But do you know there are some people, whom the restrictions are not applicable, selflessly caring the people without thinking about their own life, working hours for the welfare and goodness of the people. They are none other than our Frontline workers - “The Doctors, Nurses, Police, Sanitation workers and all Volunteers”.

They are working day and night in order to save as much lives as possible, some might be successful while some might be fateful. Even though these brave soldiers are witnessing the terrific incidents daily, they are still showing the courage and attitude to carry out their duties and responsibilities to protect people lives, by staying away from home without seeing their families for a period of days and months. Imagine ourselves as a Frontline worker in this situation, would we be able to stay away from our family for one day, would we be able to give up our life for another person’s life… would we??? They are working hard in this difficult time even though all the potential dangers lurking around. Just think, if you are taking care of a covid affected patient the risk of being affected is very high, then how do the Frontline workers handling it?? Take an example in India, people are dying due to this pandemic, while they are not the only ones who are dying, but these Frontline workers are also on the point of death. They are giving up their lives to save the maximum amount of lives. May God bless all those who gave their lives for the well being and prosperity of the public. These Frontline workers are our heroes and heroines. Just think of how they wear the sweating and perspire PPE kits for hours, if I were wearing such one, I would be sweltered and distressed.

Look at the situation of burying dead bodies, the way they are handling it. It would be horrifying. Just think of the dismay they withstand. Isn’t it astonishing??

We have seen many videos which shows the police cruelty in which they are beating up some people who used to go out for their various living purposes. However, we cannot completely put the blame on police, the people are also responsible to cooperate with authorities by complying the instructions, instead breaking the law and going out for unnecessary purposes. Just think, when you go outside for a silly purpose you might have to loose your own life. If you want to help the frontline workers, stop going out for unnecessary things and stay safely at home. That would reduce the number of people being affected and there by lifting up some pressure for the Frontline workers. Primarily the police is a responsible frontline worker. When a lockdown begins they drive up around the city for hours and advises people not to go outside for needless things.

We know that there are some workers who used to go out in the streets and spraying some disinfectants and chemicals in public places, buildings and public transports etc. They are the sanitation workers, they would walk long hours untill the area is fully sanitized and clean. This would go on for days, some for weeks and some for months. Wouldn’t it be exhausting for them?? But they still continue doing this for us. If you ask why, that is for the sake of humanity.

And at last, all the Volunteers. These are ordinary people who go out in the streets without proper safety measures just a simple mask and some gloves. They would work and try to save the lives of the people. "I wanted to do something because there's so many millions of Americans that don't have the same privileges” last year we all had heard this, right? Yes that women fearlessly and boldly stood up to be the first one for taking the covid 19 vaccine, by knowing that she is taking such a risk which would have lost her life. Would we step forward bravely and say this statement. There are many more examples like these, which are not coming out or I am not knowing that.

But even after all this issues, we are still keep moving, and if the presence of strong and valiant Frontline workers were not there, we would have lost double the amount of people. They were just ordinary people working for the society but now they are the Super Heroes and Super Heroines. They are like real knights in PPE kits as an armour, with a vaccine in one hand as a sword and a mask in the other hand as a shield, just like real warriors, they defend and save the lives of people by going into the battlefield and battling against this virus. So Let’s give these fighters a loud round of applause and cheers. Let us all pray that this pandemic would end soon and we could see everyone each other. ‘The greatest sacrifice is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of someone else’. Thank you all for your attention, care, love and hospitality. We are always grateful to you.


Ayman Muhammed
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Manju Vinod
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
V.Good. Keep it up Ayman👍

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