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Saradhi Gurukulam Anniversary Celebration 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017
Saradhi Gurukulam Anniversary Celebration 2017

Gurukulam Anniversary conducted by Saradhi Kuwait on 19th at Saradhi Indraprastha Hall will always remain a memorable one for the kids, parents and everyone else who were present.

The program took off with the inaugural ceremony of lighting the lamp by the Chief guest Dr. Binumon V, the Principal of ICSK Senior Branch. Saradhi President Mr. Sajeev Narayanan, General Secretary Mr. Vinish Vishwam, Vanithevedhi Chairperson Mrs. Roshini Biju, Gurukulam President Mr. Abhijith Sujith, Trust Vice Chairman Mr. Baiju Gangadharan, Treasurer Mr. Jayan Sadasivan, Secretary Mr. Manu K Mohan, Program Convener Mrs. Bindu Sajeev adorned the stage during the occasion.

How to make yourself from Good to Great and how to keep yourself active were the key notes on which Dr. Binumon focused during his inspiring motivational session he conducted for the kids.

Saradhi Gurukulam Anniversary was blessed with the presence of Kumari Kanmani Sasi, the wonder girl who is now famous for her outstanding talent in singing and drawing and above all achieved a full A+ in 10th, by beating the disability which she got by birth. Her presence and talks were so inspiring and touching for the kids as well as those present there.

A public meeting presided by Gurukulam President Master Abhijith Sujith was followed. Joint Secretary Master Adwaith Abhilash welcomed all to the meeting. A briefing on Gurukulam activities and the Arivu Camp was given respectively by Jnt. Treasurer Master Arpith Baiju and Vice President Kumari Akshara Jiji. New conveners of the Gurukulam Unit committees shared their experiences during the meeting and the meeting got concluded by the vote of thanks by Treasurer Kumari Amrutha Vinod.

The main highlight of the program was an exhibition of the main events connected to the history of Mahaguru Sreenarayana Swami accompanied by the description of kids.

A Karoake Ganamela exclusively by the kids of Gurukulam give a different experience to the audience.

Master Akhil Salimkumar (President), Kumari Anandhitha Preethymon (Vice President), Kumari Akshara Jii (Secretary), Kumari Arunima Anilkumar (Joint Secretary), Master Adhwaith Abhilash (Treasuer), Mr. Karthik Sajikumar (Joint Treasurer) were selected as the new Gurukulam Central committee. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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