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Online classes for Kindergarten at Bhavans SIS

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Online classes for Kindergarten at Bhavans SIS

Amidst the current lockdown, Bhavans Smart Indian School has commenced online classes for its Kindergarten section to keep the young infants constructively occupied. These online classes are conducted for the children keeping in mind their age and importance of continuous learning process for their young minds.

In order to reduce the distance between the teacher and students in this current lockdown situation, pedagogy adopted for online education is specially designed to cater to their learning needs. These classes are more interactive and activity based. Classes are designed to cater to the kinesthetic and audio visual learners. Different kinds of activities are planned for these classes, which help them to improve their fine motor skills with the objects available at home. Children are also taught dance, games and other forms of simple physical activities which can be performed at home. They are taught to sing rhymes and narrate stories along with the teachers.

Unlike the other modes of online education for this age group, where the child only watches it on the gadgets and there is a one-way communication, these classes are designed to be interactive and teacher can monitor the progress of the child. Parents have played a pivotal role to make online classes a success, with their support the child is spending quality time with teacher and parents in this learning.

These classes are conducted twice a day to support the working parents. It’s a facility provided to the parents, where they can opt to attend any one session in the morning or evening depending upon their convenience. The classes start with prayers to help everyone deal with the current catastrophe and heal the world. The children are not just sitting and listening to the teacher, instead they are taught to write, perform activities related to art and craft, physical education and dance. The activities for the children are designed along with the curriculum that help the child understand the concepts better.

Being aware of the fact that the children are confined to their homes and are spending time online, school is also putting in efforts to bring them closer to nature. On the occasion of World Earth day on 22nd April, 2020, the students were helped to perform the activity of growing microgreens at their homes. The teachers explained them the importance of taking care of our planet earth, loving it and keeping it green. Discussion about the Corona virus was also done with students by asking them the reason of their being at home and not able to attend school. Hence, to keep away from diseases, the importance of keeping ourselves healthy and eating lots of green vegetables and healthy food were also discussed. Children enthusiastically performed the steps of growing a plant and were asked to give it little water every day.

The excitement was also extended on 23rd April which happened to be the World Book Day. The activities which made the children get immersed in the world of books and writers turned a new insight for each child. Thus the importance of reading books and advantages of listening to stories imparted great interest in children and the day turned fruitful. The online classes had proved to produce impactful result on students and parents.

We express our gratitude to all the parents for their boundless support for educating our kids during this pandemic situation.

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