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Kuwaitis top world laziest population

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Kuwaitis topped the list of the laziest among all the world’s population, local Arabic daily 'Arab Times' reported citing Al-Anba Arabic newspaper.

The daily quoting 'Bloomberg' report, said that the percentage of those classified as ‘lazy’ Kuwaitis is 67, the highest among the countries covered by the

World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO defines enough exercise as at least 75 minutes of vigorous activity or 150 minutes of moderately intense activity per week, or any combination of the two.

Uganda topped the world’s most active countries where the concept of ‘lazy’ was applied to only 5.5 percent of its adult population.

Globally, the average number of people who do not do enough activity per week according to WHO report is about 25 percent. According to the report, India ranked 117th, Philippines 141st and Brazil 164th around the world. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018
I am proud to be Indian but on same time I happy to stay in Kuwait. Not Kuwaitis even expiate also Lazy . They should have count lazy expiates also. I am loyal to India and Loyal to Kuwait because it is feeding me, my family and even helping India when we earn and send money to India.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
To Nirasa (which means in certain language ... disappointment)..
You totally disappointed me with your irrelevant comment and your understanding of the topic is pathetic. The article was about something and Rani''s comment was about something else, just like your''s. Is it a case of understanding the language or misunderstanding of the topic?
How do you understand that I am patriotic or wasted my life in this country? Please don''t compare yourself with others.. Just for people like you... the article was about the WHO''s report published by Bloomberg about the list of countries with its population''s physical exercise habits. Not about their work habits or mental attitude nor the expatriate population''s physical exercise habits. Now about your language understanding ability.. seems you are not in the habit of reading newspapers at all, not to see or understand about Kuwait or corruption or other hanky panky businesses, written on its pages for a very long time. Start reading Arab Times and the editorials written by Ahmed Al-Jarrallah and the columns written by many in Arab newspapers, which is translated into English and published by Arab Times. This was going on for a long time and people who have the habit of reading hard or soft copies of of English newspapers are fully aware of! Start a new habit instead of writing irrelevant and immaterial comments on small platforms. Now my advice to you.. don''t write non-senses about matters that you don''t know. Are you trying to disprove what I heard from my Kuwaiti friends over the last 40 years??! Also, accept the fact that you were completely out of line and your knowledge about what is going on in Kuwait or India is very very limited. Finally, don''t leave Kuwait because people like you are an asset for this country and a liability for the home country.

Monday, September 10, 2018
Dear @Murali, This is because, you dont know some fact. 99% of the people who are here posting comment against India and Modi are all Pakistanis in fake name!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2018
The moment any article is written in IIK, some people are up in arms comparing every article with Indian scenario and degrading their own country. I have no issues people showing loyalty towards Kuwait, but why belittle India? How can somebody compare a country with 2 million people and a country with a billion population.

This particular topic is about lazy population and instead people are comparing that with traffic and corruption in India. As a layman I fail to understand the comparisons being done. Guys show some respect to your motherland.

Meena Modi
Monday, September 10, 2018
Love you Modi Ji , Jaitely Ji , Sushma Ji, Yogi Ji, Smiriti Ji . Because of your over activeness today 1 USD = 72.15 & petrol 88 Rs a litre.

Wish before 2019, you guys become history these two crosses century.

Love you BJP.

Nirasa Ram Bapoo
Sunday, September 9, 2018
@ ROY :
To Roy... I wonder why a patriotic person like you is wasting his life in this lazy country & its laziest population.
What Rani & Abdu has written is a bitter truth. Without money nothing moves in our country.
Accept the facts & better leave immediately back to home, rather than lecturing people.

Sunday, September 9, 2018
Whatever it is, the public services that we are getting here is comparatively much better than our Nation.
Less tense, less complication and no bribes at all except nursing recruitment process (which is introduced by Kerala Acchyaayans from decades).

Sunday, September 9, 2018
Expats should thank them for being lazy.. 80% of expats are here cos of this awesome quality of theirs. but in a way if I was a Kuwaiti, I too would have been the same. its cool

Sunday, September 9, 2018
To Rani... please read the article again and try to understand it. You should have done that before writing this comment! About the comparison to India.. please stop visiting India to avoid further bad experiences to you and more importantly for us, too... as it is a bad experience for us to read such comments about one''s own country because of an individual''s lone experience, done without any thinking and tarnishing a country of 1.3 billion people! Lady, you have compared your ''own'' experience to compare, generalize and degrade a country! You have not really understood the country where you are residing now or the one you visited! You should be proud of yourselves..

Saturday, September 8, 2018
Despite being lazy, work is being done better here than in India.
On a recent visit I had very bad experience in India ( Banks, hospital, traffic and many more).

Saturday, September 8, 2018
it was known long time ago.. only now it has been internationally written and accepted.. but in a way its sweet also cause they are provided with why work heehee... if i was in there place i would also be as lazy !!! God bless them.

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