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IES celebrated UKG Graduation and Annual Day

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
IES celebrated UKG Graduation and Annual Day

Bhavans Kuwait, IES celebrated its Annual/Graduation day on the 13th of February 2019 and Jack and Jill Nursery, Mangaf celebrated the same on 14th February. The ceremony was held in the IES auditorium. The chief guest for IES Graduation ceremony was Mrs. Kismet al Zuhair, Head of Kindergarten, Kuwait English School and for Jack and Jill Nursery was, Mr. Mahesh Iyer, Principal of Smart Indian School, Kuwait.

The proceedings in the evening started with the recital of verses from the Holy Quran. The auspicious lamp of knowledge to eliminate darkness and spread brightness on the path of learning was lit on both days by the dignitaries. The promising and talented Kindergarten students steered the mega event through the evening with unabated confidence.

The Annual Report of the kindergarten wing of Indian Educational School, was presented by the Vice Principal of KG and Primary Wing, Mrs. Lalitha Premkumar. In her report she highlighted the various activities conducted by the KG for the holistic development of the tiny tots. The Annual Report of Jack and Jill, was presented by the Principal of Jack and Jill, Mrs. Rathi Ravindran.

The theme for this year was ‘Indian Cinema over the years’ titled “Celluloid”. The advent of cinema from black and white to colour was categorized into four eras namely Purana Zamana (Black and whites), Sensational 70s and 80s, 90s, Dhamaka and Millennium Gala Bash. These eras depicted by different dance items made the audience sway to the hit tunes of the yester years. The little ones dazzled in their costumes, shaking their bodies to nostalgic dance numbers and stole the show.

The cultural extravaganza was interspersed with the most important event of the day-The Graduation of the UKG students to Grade 1. The stage and the ramp were adorned with balloons, flowers, stars and pictures related to the theme. The graduating kindergarteners walked the ramp proudly and confidently as their class teachers warmly welcomed them verbalizing their striking attributes. They stood tall in their flamboyant graduation gowns and hats as they received the scrolls from the chief guest. These kindergarteners exhibited immense confidence and eloquence as they introduced their teachers and later took up the onus of proposing the vote of thanks. The auditorium choc-a block with the proud and excited parents reverberated with sonorous applause. The program ended with a peppy celebration dance- ‘Jamboree’ by the Upper Kindergarteners.

The welcome address was delivered by Mrs. Neethu Maria K. Ninan, Coordinator of Kindergarten (IES). The emcees of the programme were Mrs. Sushama Joe, Supervisor of Kindergarten (IES), Mrs. Felicita Rosalia and Mrs. Akanksha Mishra (Jack and Jill, Mangaf). The misty eyes and the warmer smiles of the teachers as they bid farewell to these tiny tots spoke volumes of the eternal banquet of genuine love bountifully offered at the kindergarten wings of IES and Jack and Jill. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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