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Bhavans Smart Indian School Students’ Extraordinary Management Skills

Sunday, June 26, 2022
Bhavans Smart Indian School Students’ Extraordinary Management Skills

Bhavans Smart Indian School, Kuwait conducted Student Capacity Building Seminar on June 23, 2022. Capacity Building Seminar was organized as part of the project to develop students' management skills and enable them to address the new era.

Principal Mr.Mahesh Iyer inaugurated the seminar. In his inaugural address, he reminded the students that such seminars help them to face the challenges of the new age and give them the power of self-sufficiency and help them to shape themselves in a way that will enable them to grow as well as help in the growth and upliftment of the society.

Vice Principal Mrs. Albin Daisy delivered the welcome address. The teacher in charge of the program Mr. Santosh Chungath explained the structure and purpose of the seminar to the students.

Selected Student Trainers of Bhavans Smart Indian School of Classes XII and X conducted the seminar on two different topics. Head Girl Janet George welcomed the audience and Head Boy Ashwant thanked the senior students of the school. The topic for grade 10 was ‘The Happiness Project: Who creates and controls our happiness’ and for grade 12 it was ‘Sick Land: An Environmental Re-reading program’. Essay presentations and discussions were organized at the seminar on the intellectual and emotional levels of happiness. Class X students Devika Krishnakumar, Ashwanth Reagan, Hrithika Rohit and Harithashree Balaji led the classes. Essay presentations and discussions were organized at the seminar on the intellectual and emotional levels of happiness. Innovations in ecology and the challenges they face were the topic of discussion at the second seminar. Class XII students Joshua Thomas, Zainab Mohsin, Jeffrey Santosh and Ayush Varadarajan conducted the classes. The drawing and editing of the program was done by the students of Class XII. Subsequently, a public discussion and question and answer session was organized for the students. The event, which was organized entirely by the students and for the students, was to spread the new model and new hopes. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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