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Bhavans IES Harvests Golden Fruitage Yet Again In The CBSE Class 10 Examination

Thursday, August 5, 2021
Bhavans IES Harvests Golden Fruitage Yet Again In The CBSE Class 10 Examination

The students at Indian Education School have yet again proved their academic excellence by sweeping top scores with the outstanding fruitage of 100% for the twelfth year in succession in the CBSE Grade 10 Board Examination 2021.Though the school compiled the results under the strict supervision and careful scrutiny by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, all the 176 students who had appeared for the Grade 10 board exam could majestically pull off the first hurdle of their academic odyssey with astounding success.

Bhavanites picked off success in the most impressive fashion by securing the centum in English, French, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and Information Technology.

The subject-wise school average is as follows:

English (89.63), Hindi (82.78), French (89.42), Sanskrit (88.61), Mathematics (87.17), Basic Math (79.88), Science (86.16), Social Science (91.4), and Information Technology (92.62).

A great number of candidates scored impressive marks in the board examination adding gleam and glory to the sparkling success of IES Bhavans. The school has to its credit a total number of 45 centums scored by students in various subjects. This is an unprecedented achievement which has added new feathers on the golden crown of the school. IES continues to be the trailblazer in the education arena of Kuwait!

The number of 95 marks and above in various subjects bagged by IES Bhavans in the CBSE grade 10 examination is 212. In similar fashion, the number of marks scored between 90-94 is a whopping 312 and the total number of marks scored between 80-90 is an impressive 251 much to the pride of the teachers and students.

The school has achieved an average of 87.88 with 27 students securing an aggregate of 95% and above; 51 students securing between 90-95%; 74 students scoring between 80-90%, 20 students securing between 70-80% and 4 students securing 60% and above in aggregate.

Ethan Bobby Kurien won the ‘crème de la crème’ -the School Topper’ title by scoring an aggregate of 99.4% (497 marks) in the CBSE Grade X Board Examination. Lakshmi Sahiti Vallabhaneni stole the show by securing the second rank with an astounding 99.2% aggregate (496 marks). Krishna Chillirickal Anil and Shrihari Badrinarayanan bagged the third rank by scoring 99% aggregate (495 marks). The inbox of the portal communication of IES has overflown with congratulatory messages for the school which stood firmly with its students during the difficult times brought about by the global pandemic.

The subject toppers of the school are as follows:

English 100%

Sabina Shahedkhan Pathan

Math 100%

Ethan Bobby Kurien, Krishna Chillirickal Anil, Ananthapadmanabhan Sajeev Kumar, Sachin Sreekumar Nair, Haran Amrith Krishnakumar, and Helen Mariam Biju

Science 100%

Lakshmi Sahiti Vallabhaneni, Krishna Chillirickal Anil, Srihari Badrinarayanan, Malavika Vinod, Noel Thaiparambil Ajoy, Ananthapadmanabhan Sajeev Kumar, Josh Savyo, and Vardaan Rajiv Prakash

Social Science 100%

Krishna Chillirickal Anil, Aaron Varughese Melel, Noel Thaiparambil Ajoy, Megha Vinil, Pranav Chandrasekar, Ananthapadmanabhan Sajeev Kumar, Swayam Adappa, Dhruvan

Shajan, Jay Mayank Shah, Kevin Ralph Crasta, Christopher Mayalil Ajish, and Alex George Viljo

French 100%

Ethan Bobby Kurien, Lakshmi Sahiti Vallabhaneni, Srihari Badrinarayanan, Aaron Varughese Melel, Noel Thaiparambil Ajoy, Megha Vinil, and Pranav Chandrasekar

Sanskrit 100%

Krishna Chillirickal Anil, Malavika Vinod, and Shree Hari Nibu Vijayan

Information Technology 100%

Lakshmi Sahiti Vallabhaneni, Krishna Chillirickal Anil, Malavika Vinod, and Noel Thaiparambil Ajoy

Hindi 96%

Shivya Hari Chella and Sabina Shahedkhan Pathan

Basic Math 98%

Megha Vinil and Farah Noorjahan Sahim

Mr. N.K. Ramachandran Menon, Chairman, Bhavans Middle East extolled the top scorers for their remarkable achievements and profusely thanked the parents for their unflagging support and appreciated them for their intense and deep involvement in their children’s education. CA Sooraj Ramachandran, Vice Chairman, Bhavans Middle East and CA Divya Rajesh, Director, Bhavans Middle East also congratulated the students for their astounding academic accomplishment and the teachers, who had trained and wholeheartedly supported the students to climb up the ladder of spectacular success. Mr. T Premkumar, Principal, and the Vice Principals of all the three wings lavishly lauded the students for their hard work and the proud pedagogues for their complete dedication and genuine commitment.

Bhavan IES pursuit of perfection in the horizon of private education in Kuwait by reaping significant accomplishment has handsomely won great acclamation from the parents, the students, and the well-wishers across the country. Indian Education School has literally become the abode of knowledge and success with each passing year and the board examinations that tag along every academic year. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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