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A Diet Renaissance

Kamalini Ramesh Tuesday, June 15, 2021
A Diet Renaissance

“People eat meat and think

They will be strong as an ox,

But forget that the ox eats grass”.

-Pino Caruso

With millennials rallying behind many important decisions for their future, food has been a tipping point. The vegan trend has gained immense popularity, with prominent activists like Greta Thunberg promoting it. So, what exactly is veganism and how far have we come in embracing this new way of life?

The Vegan Society defines veganism as:

"A way of living which seeks to exclude all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose."

This clears a common misconception that most people have. Vegans not only abstain from animal products in their food but also in their clothing and other daily activities.

People adopt veganism for two main reasons:

?To avoid animal cruelty

?And to protect the environment

Animal cruelty is explicit in the process of meat production but how is the environment affected?

To breed healthy animals taking them for grazing is mandatory. I’m sure that most of us have learnt that overgrazing degrades the soil and results in plants being unable to grow. This is just one of the many adverse effects that meat production and processing has on the environment. Avoiding meat is one of the easiest ways in which you can contribute to a better future.

When I was younger I used to feel that giving up on meat would make most people malnourished. But, cutting down on meat and dairy products brings down your fat and cholesterol levels. This in turn reduces your chances of being afflicted with fatal diseases like diabetes, cancer and cardiac arrests.

Anything we try to adapt in our lives requires some sacrifice and so does converting to veganism. Some favourite foods of yours must be avoided and this is especially if you’re obsessed with dairy products.

But all is not lost, there are a lot of vegan-friendly options. A cousin of mine who tried to follow a vegan diet experimented with ice cream made of cashew milk and the lack of normal milk had no drastic impact on the taste. This also has a health benefit as plant-based milk like soy or almond milk is richer in fibre and nutrients compared to normal milk.

Though benefits outweigh the demerits of veganism, it definitely has its own cons. Our future looms large and now is the time for change. If not completely turning vegan at least try adapting a vegan diet. Do try experimenting with vegan-friendly options and it surely will be an eye-opening experience. Just as the saying goes, “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”

Stay safe, stay healthy!

Kamalini Ramesh
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