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Bhavans IES Holds ‘Business Talk’ for the Commerce Stream

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Bhavans IES Holds ‘Business Talk’ for the Commerce Stream

Bhavans Indian Education School, Kuwait, virtually conducted a session, ‘Business Talk’, under the auspices of its Student Entrepreneurs’ Club on June 5, 2021, at 9 a.m. for the 11th and the 12th graders of Commerce stream. Mr. N.K Ramachandran Menon, Chairman, Bhavans Middle East, and Mr. Shawn Abraham, a young and dynamic businessperson and an alumnus of IES, were the guest speakers of the day.

Diya Mariam(12D), the president of Entrepreneurs’ Club, inaugurated the event and was the emcee for the day. She extended her heartfelt gratitude to the school management and the teachers who supported the club in all its endeavors. The Secretary of the club, Amit Prakasan Nambiar (12D) warmly welcomed the distinguished speakers, the Senior Leadership Team comprising Mr. T. Premkumar, Principal, Indian Educational School, Ms. Anselma Tessy Judeson, Vice Principal, Senior Wing, IES, Ms. Meenakshi Nayyar, Vice Principal, Middle Wing, IES and Ms. Lalitha Premkumar, Vice Principal, Primary and Kindergarten, IES, and the other attendees of the meeting.

Ms. Anselma Tessy addressed the gathering and provided a new perspective on academic life to the aspiring students of Commerce stream, talking about the importance of the subjects being taught to them and how the same subjects could make an impact on their day-to-day life and life choices. The students were very appreciative of her for introducing the new train of thought that had been stationed in their minds.

The first speaker of the day, Mr. N.K. Ramachandran Menon, Chairman, Bhavans Middle East, talked about his journey from being an analyst to an administrator and then leaping into the world of banking and making a sharp turn, becoming the caring educationalist he is today. He also shared his vision, ideals, and the experiences of facing the battle of life. It was truly an encouraging and eye-opening talk for all the participants of the event.

Mr. Shawn Abraham, the second guest speaker of the day, addressed the virtual audience with a very informative and interactive presentation, and the students were truly captivated and astonished by his achievements as a businessman. He shared his past experience of being a student at various levels and gave them a deep insight into the difficulties he had faced as a student of the modern era and the capability of adapting and its importance in today's world.

Following the wonderful talks delivered by the guest speakers, the virtual floor witnessed a question-answer session led by Abin K. Saju(12D). The students were very enthusiastic and kept flooding the chat box with numerous questions. After the vote of thanks by Ananya Sriram(12D), the president of the club declared the event closed. The teachers in charge of the event were Mr. Samuel H.M. and Mr. Susanth K. V, the Department of Commerce, IES. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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