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Your limitation is only your imagination

Roshini Sunday, May 30, 2021
Your limitation is only your imagination

Our imagination is one of the keys to a productive life. In fact, life is only limited by a lack of imagination. You are capable of fulfilling all of your dreams and desires- EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. You are the only one who can stop yourself from succeeding in life. Our imagination is the key to untold worlds when we grow up as children. And it has been shown that children with very active imaginations are more likely to dream as adults and strive for more things. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to suppress your imagination.

Living on the island of Rameswaram, APJ Abdul Kalam was born to a poor fishermen family where the elders struggled hard to make both ends meet. But the humble man he is, he did not term them as “struggles”; rather “experience”. Poverty never stopped him from reaching heights he wanted to reach. Kalam served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and Secretary of the Defense Research and Development Organization and also served as the President of India from 2002 to 2007.

University Topper and Gold Medalist Surabhi Gautam hail from Amdara village in Satna district in Madhya Pradesh. She cracked UPSC Civil Services in 2016 and secured 50th rank in her first attempt. Her journey to crack Civil Services will inspire people to see a dream and have the determination to turn it into reality. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, also known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was an Indian scholar, jurist, economist, politician and social reformer, who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against social discrimination towards the untouchables, while also supporting the rights of women and labour.

Those who succeed don’t believe in limits. They study until they understand, ?they don’t give up because it’s hard, and they don’t give up when they experience doubt. They keep working hard even if they’ve been rejected, they keep at it, and they keep searching for new opportunities. That’s exactly how you have to be. Life is hard and you’ll NEVER get far if you limit yourself in ANYTHING you do.

I am responsible for my dreams,

I am responsible for my results,? because I AM the only one who can STOP me from turning my dreams into a reality.

I have the POWER to make my dream happen.

I have the choice to decide if I will work hard for it or just settle

I have the choice to see how far I can go in life.

This is how our life should be. ‘If you believe in limits, you will be LIMITED. If you believe in GROWTH and pushing past what others believe is possible, you will achieve GREATNESS’.

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