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Tulu Koota Kuwait Holds Keen to be Clean Garden Cleaning Programs:

Saturday, November 27, 2021
Tulu Koota Kuwait Holds Keen to be Clean Garden Cleaning Programs:

Tulu Koota Kuwait being one of the largest & Prominent South Canara association in Kuwait organized a Garden Cleaning program on Friday 19th November 2021, at Isbiliya Garden near Farwaniya, Kuwait.

For the past 21 years Tulu Koota Kuwait indulging itself in various welfare activities which benefits the society in Tulunadu as well in Kuwait. This time TKK thought to do something special to the society where we live in and for the first time in the history of TKK an attempt to pay back to the society under a caption of “Keen to Keep Clean” by organizing Garden Cleaning program.

This noble task was kicked off well on time at 6 A.M and around 30 TKK committee members and their family members, kids participated whole heartedly in this giving back to the society program. Though it was chilly weather in the early morning, the enthusiasm and dedication of the committee members who had gathered for this program was commendable.

Energetic and Dynamic Sports Secretary of the association Mr Chandrahas Shetty coordinated the whole event. The Committee members who were present dedicated their time and put their best efforts in cleaning the garden and contributed to the success of the event.

Young and dynamic President of TKK Mr. Sanat Kumar Shetty briefed the importance of this program about how we can server the karma Bhoomi with our charity works which is very much needed to keep clean our mother nature. He thanked Mr. Chandrahas Shetty for planning and taking lead of this successful program and making sure that program above satisfaction. He mentioned special thanks advisors, MC members for your contribution and support and Vice President Mr Abdul Razak also the Manager of Badr Al Samaa for supporting the event with sweet boxes and Sangeetha Restaurant for their breakfast.

Program Coordinator Mr Chandrahas Shetty in its gratitude message thanked all the committee members, families who came in large numbers and participated in this cleaning drive and making the event grand success. He also thanked event sponsors Al Mulla Exchange, Badr Al Sama Medical Center, Khain Properties and TVS Hyder group for their continued support for Tulu Koota. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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