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Fancy Dress Competition at Bhavans’ Kindergartens

Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Fancy Dress Competition at Bhavans’ Kindergartens

Learning can be fun. Blending learning with fun does wonders in children. Kinaesthetic learning gives children an opportunity to express their skills through hands on experiments, role plays and so on.Once such event where the tiny tots performed role plays on stage showcasing their hidden talents is the fancy dress competition.

The Kindergarteners of Indian Educational School and Jack & Jill Mangaf gave enthralling performances at the Fancy Dress Competition held in the month of November.

The pre-kg children were the upholders of Mother Nature showcasing Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables.

The kindlers of LKG wore costumes depicting Daily Use items like newspaper, water drop, fire, toothpaste, tooth brush, mobile, stationery articles, water purifier, and so on.

The children of UKG, being the veterans in the arena, went one step ahead and represented the important personalities showcasing the historical characters such as Unni Archa, Pazhassi Raja, Jhansi Ki Rani, Alexander the Great etc, socialites such as Micheal Jackson, Princess Diana, political figures like Queen Elizabeth, Narendra Modi, Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, social workers like Mother Theresa, sports personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, P.V. Sindhu, Sania Mirza etc and many more.

There was a mixed bag of accompanying speeches, some delivering crisp and compendious details while others went on to speak elaborately showcasing excellent knowledge and awareness on the costume they sported.

The competition enhanced their self- esteem and proved to be a fruitful learning experience for the kindergarteners.

The enthusiasm and zeal with which the children performed was extremely praiseworthy, leaving the judges spellbound.

The mesmerizing show will indeed remain etched in our memory for a long time to come. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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