Kuwait-India – An unbreakable friendship
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Kuwait and India two diverse nations with their own uniqueness and specialties. As the nuwair and malva flowers blossom in Kuwait and ready to welcome Kuwait’s National and liberations days. The cold winters and heavy rains comes to a halt. As Kuwait is nearing to its liberation day, the month of February prepares itself for a celebration of joy and happiness. While in India is passing through mixed seasons, with the north being covered in mist and snow and in the south, the states prepare to battle against the intense heat, that is to arrive soon.
As the earthquake hit, areas of Syria and Turkey, both Kuwait and India showcase their generosity by sending relief teams, and supplies. Even now here in Kuwait there are different centers where people can donate necessary items, clothing and food. This example shows us that both the nations have gave a helping hand to other countries during, difficult crises.
Even though Kuwait is tiny Arab country located at the tip of the Persian Gulf nestled by Iraq and Saudi Arabia, its history with India dates thousands of years ago. Comparing India and Kuwait is not even possible, because the people of both countries are different, speak different languages, share different cultures, traditions, cuisine etc. Amidst all these diversity both Kuwaitis and Indians live together in peace and harmony and have stood the test of time.
Both Kuwait and India have backed each other in difficult situations, for example during India’s war with China in 1962 Kuwait was one of the first countries to extend full support to India. Another example is when Kuwait achieved independence India was one of the first country to recognize Kuwait as an independent country.
The story started years before when Kuwait was a small fishing village that depended on trading of pearls. Later, after the discovery of oil the economy boomed and Kuwait got a great place in the world affairs. Despite being a small nation covered with the mighty Arabian Desert, Kuwait is also known for its culture, diversity and uniqueness.
The desert of Kuwait is not a boring old area with a lot of dry sand and some shrubs, it has a lot of sand dunes and also camel racing events being held, there are even nomads called Bedouins who create a traditional weaving craft called Al-Sadu. The flora and fauna of Kuwait builds on with its biodiversity. I feel that Kuwait is a nation where the scorching summers and the chilly winters comes together and forms an entirely different climate.
Kuwait and India both take pride on their cultures and traditions, in Kuwait there is the tradition of saying, مرحبًا (Marhaban), السلام عليكم (Assalam Allaikumشكرا ( (shukran) and in India there is the tradition of saying, नमस्ते, आप कैसे हैं, धन्यवाद. The cultures of India and Kuwait is quite fascinating and diverse, Kuwait is well known for its home grown tradition of theatre. The cuisine of Kuwait is fusion of Arabian, Persian and Mesopotamian cuisine. At the heart of all these traditions is the diwaniya, a collective assembly, where men gather around in tents, greet each other by kissing cheeks, drinking Qahwa coffee form traditional jugs and chatting and discussing about different topics.
Even though Kuwait is a tiny nation it has the world’s highest valued currency, the 6th largest oil reserves and it is also the 5th richest country in the world (GDP per capita). The green farms in the south, the vast and wide desert in the west, the modern and urbanized cities in center and the east and the biodiverse north is what makes Kuwait.
There has been many moments of close relationship and cooperation, between the two countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kuwait provided urgent medical assistance to India including Liquid Medical Oxygen concentrators, and ventilator during the second wave of COVID-19 in India during May 2021. Recently 2 months before 3 Indians ships named INS Tir, Sujatha, and Sarathi arrived at Shuwaikh port in Kuwait. The arrival of the ships showed us the significant military relations between the nations and it was a wonderful experience for Indian students like us.
And let us all not forget about Shri Sibi George the former ambassador of India to Kuwait. He came to Kuwait at a crucial time when we were celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two friendly countries. He had organized 600 cultural and business events in Kuwait to celebrate the 60th anniversary. During India’s Independence Day celebrations, the Indian Embassy in Kuwait flagged off 80 buses with the picture of Azadi Ka amrit mahotsav. When seeing the Indian flag painted in those buses it installed in me great patriotism and devotion for my country. He also managed the ties and diplomacy between the two countries during the pandemic. He can also be credited for organizing NEET exams in Kuwait. And we are sure that our current ambassador Shri Adarsh Swaika, will develop and keep the friendly ties between both the nations.
Thank you Kuwait for giving us a wonderful treat!!
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