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Welfare Kerala Kuwait Celebrates Eid-Onam 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Welfare Kerala Kuwait Celebrates Eid-Onam 2017

Welfare Kerala Kuwait, Farwaniya zone celebrated Eid al-Adha and Onam 2017 in an amazing spirit of harmony, equality, love and brotherhood. People from different religious backgrounds assembled enthusiastically last Friday at Ideal Auditorium, Farwaniya to celebrate the two festivals together with traditional Onasadhya in presence of Mahabali (Maveli thampuran) in his traditional attire. Welfare Kuwait gave the event a unique name “Einam”, and transformed it in to a beautiful amalgam of various religions and cultures, strongly knitting the bonds of amity and brotherhood.

While Eid al-Adha is celebrated by Muslims all over the world as they come together to pray for humanity, to Commemorate Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him) his eventful life with great sacrifice in human history, and to carry on his message with them, the message of compassion and sacrifice to the will of God; where as Onam is being celebrated to mark the return of the legendary king Mahabali who ruled Kerala with great prosperity, equality and communal amity but sacrificed his life to keep up his words. It is marked as an annual festival celebrated by the people of Kerala and Malyalees living across the globe, arguably the biggest festival of Kerala.

The cultural session of the event, was inaugurated by famous writer Preman Ellath and during inaugural address he said that India has set an important example of communal harmony to this world. India, a multi-religious, multilingual and multi-racial country, has always ‘enjoyed the essential unity of culture amidst diversities that kept her people united. These values are more relevant today than ever and we must come together in our communities and as a society to draw strength from our shared humanity, he continued.

Suresh V. Balakrishnan, the vice principal of Bhavans and leading mentor of Toastmaster club of Kuwait presented the topic on Onam and its relevance to the current Indian situation. He told the audience to be vigilant and aware of the modern day “vamanas” who comes in different forms to destroy the very harmonious nature of our country. He also urged the members to take up the role of the great teacher and strategist of Mahabali, the Shukracharya in identifying the shrewd and evil intentions of those politicians who has resemblance to that Vamana who tried to Kill the legendary King Maveli and destroyed the communal harmony and prosperity of the people.

Welfare Central Committee president Khaleelurahman, working committee member Moidu K. and Islamic Women’s Association (IWA) president Mehbooba Anees were also talked on the cultural event and reiterated the need of bringing back the rich Indian tradition and culture built in communal amity and secularism. The cultural program was followed by verity entertainments, including thiruvathira dance, Oppana, orchestra with nostalgic patriotic songs and children’s dance items. The 26 lip-smacking, vegetarian dishes prepared by the ladies wing of Welfare Kerala Kuwait was the main attraction and was elegantly served on fresh Green banana leaves in traditional style. Zonal president Abdul Vahid presided over the function, Zonal Secretary Noushad welcomed the gathering and Riggae Unit President Ashraf Vaakath proposed the vote of thanks. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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