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Teachers: The Strength for our Future

Manish Khatree, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Teachers: The Strength for our Future

Teachers , who are they ? what are they ? And how are they important ? So, let me answer all these questions , Teachers are the ones who develop minds, contributes knowledge , corrects someone and stays with us all the time to help and protect us .

They are not only the teachers who teach us at school they are our parents, our guardians, also, even if a five year old student teaches a valuable thing , is also a teacher , teachers do not discriminate between anyone regardless of their socail status , color , caste or creed. Sometimes a few students in the school say that they do not like this subject teacher and if you ask that student what was the reason that the student did not like that teacher , the

student would say because the subject is tough. So, how does this make meaningful if you do not like a teacher due to the subject .

My teacher has also inspired me and was very supportive and helped me a lot to be better person , my teacher had said , Madenjit Singh the GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE winner and known for teaching 15,000 poor children , had said , “ A person who cannot respect love and trust his/her teacher, cannot succeed and gain excellence in its life .” This motivated me a lot to work harder . Teachers are our guru , our mentor they can never be wrong even in their

scolding there is love and care hidden , dont feel bad when they shout at you or punish you , because the day you understand that I should respect teachers and follow their path learn from the punishments, that day no one in this world can ever move you aback from being respectable and responsible citizen of the world . So we should make our teachers proud , and a big thanks to our teachers who have supported us so wonderfully even in this pandemic . So , a very happy teachers day to all our teachers may the almighty bless them abundantly .

Manish Khatree
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