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SIS marks the first milestone - ‘Investiture Ceremony’

Monday, May 8, 2017
SIS marks the first milestone - ‘Investiture Ceremony’

March on Smarters, March on

With heads held high and hearts so strong

Hail to SIS that shapes us anew!

- Extracts from SIS Anthem

Bhavan’s Smart Indian School bestows upon its students the ability to be future leaders of the world. It left a legacy of accomplishment that the leaders are blessed not only to stand upon but are now challenged to build upon during the prestigious event of the school calender – the Investiture Ceremony on Thursday 4 May 2017.

The Chief Guests of the function Mr.Mohammad Dashti – Inspector for English Schools (KG and Primary) , Mr.Ali Johar and Mr. Nabil Gomaa – Inspectors of Private Education and the Guests of Honor Mr.Prem Kumar - the Principal, Indian Educational School together with SIS Public Relations Officer: Mr.Saleh Al Rashedi adorned the auditorium while the flag bearers and the council members paraded smartly into the school auditorium to the beat of the school band.

The SIS anthem was sung by the school choir marking the inaugural opening of the same during this first and foremost function of the year. The emcees for the program were Joshua and Salwa from 7 Aries who left an indelible mark on the audience. The solemn moment arrived when the student council members marched onto the stage to receive the badges and the sashes followed by the flag altercation ceremony. The oath taking by the council along with the prefects of all classes was radiant as the Principal Mr.Mahesh Iyer articulated it to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted to them.

The head boy Master Sambhav Jain and the head girl Ms.Jemimah Ann George spoke about their aims, aspirations and the ideals that they hold dear as they addressed the assemblage and spoke eloquently on leadership qualities. The award ceremony was part of the Investiture that honored the academic tradition where the proficiency holders and the NMO gold medalists and the Math wizards of 2016-2017 were awarded with medals and certificates. Speaking on the occasion, Mr.Mohammad Dashti, Inspector for Private Schools wished the newly appointed council members best of luck and appreciated the marching that wore the brilliant academic regalia of the Institution and he honored this outstanding school and the critical role it plays in the lives of our students and our community.

The vote of thanks was proposed by the Student Editor Master Andrew Rodrigues addressing all the hands who were part and parcel, the heart and soul of this program execution. It was truly a memorable occasion for the young leaders as they looked forward to a new, eventful and enriching academic year. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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