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New Gulf Indian School Celebrated 3rd Annual Function of Intermediate Students

Monday, February 3, 2020
New Gulf Indian School Celebrated 3rd Annual Function of Intermediate Students

New Gulf Indian School celebrated its 3rd Annual Function of Intermediate students on 16th January 2020. The day carved a niche in the school’s history as the students showcased their talent in all art forms. It was Mr. Sreekumar Pillai, Managing Director, Al Faisal Educational establishment who graced the function as the guest of honor. The school’s Annual report was made into a visual presentation compiling all the curricular and co-curricular achievements made by the students in art, music, karate, archery, sports, dance, mime and many more.

The NGIS Band was the event of highlight during the annual functions as the audiences were completely spell bound by their lively performance. The students of NGIS who had proved their merit in the various co-curricular competitions throughout the academic year were commemorated with medals, certificates and a story book by the guest of honor Mr. Sreekumar Pillai. The Principal, Mr. Felix and the Vice-Principal Mrs. Ambika SreeKumar appreciated the efforts of the students who had taken that extra effort by making the school and their parents proud.

The students, then gave astounding performances as they staged their respective themes. Students honored the motherland by celebrating its achievement with the theme “ India-Forward”. The events of the annual function had been highlighting the theme as it brought out the contribution of India as an emerging country in science, space research, robotics, defense, history and tradition through a variety of performances including dance, skit, song and mime.

On the whole, the programs were jubilant, ecstatic and fashionable as the students proved their mettle. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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