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National Sports Day

Ann Mariya Sabu Sunday, October 11, 2020
National Sports Day

The National Sports Day is celebrated on 29 August. Stressing the need to stay fit and healthy, this auspicious day is observed to spread awareness on the importance of sports and daily activities in every individual's life

It’s commemorated on the birth anniversary of hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand, who is regarded as nation's greatest hockey player of all time.

Major Dhyan Chand was popularly known as "The Wizard" for his magical touch, superb control, creativity and extraordinary goal-scoring feats, Chand was instrumental in taking Indian hockey to greater heights under his talismanic leadership.

The late hockey player had led India to three Olympic gold medals in the years – 1928, 1932 and 1936. He had scored over 400 goals in 22 years, spanning from 1926 to 1948.

He was bestowed with India’s third-highest civilian honour, Padma Bhushan in 1956. Regarded as the greatest of all-time, Chand also served in the Indian Army and brought laurels to the country.

The noteworthy memorial for him is the Major Dhyan Chand Award, the highest award for lifetime achievement in sports and games in India.

Significance of National Sports Day

Other than spreading awareness on the importance of sports, the special day also highlights the achievements and contributions of Chand to India's rich sports history and culture.

The President confers National Sports Awards to honor sportsmen who have achieved laurels in the sports realm and enhanced country's pride all over the world.

After the death of Chand in 1979, the Indian Postal Department issued stamps in his honor. As a tribute to him, the National Stadium of Delhi was also renamed to Major Dhyan Chand stadium.

The Indian government over the years has launched many schemes related to sports on this day including the Khelo India scheme in 2018 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Ann Mariya Sabu
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