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Mega Exhibition “Transcend 2017” held at ICSK Amman

Sunday, May 28, 2017
Mega Exhibition “Transcend 2017” held at ICSK Amman

ICSK organized a Mega Exhibition “TRANSCEND 2017” on Thursday 18th May 2017. The entire school was abuzz with different activities on the day of the event.

Pre Primary students, with the help of parents, made models on the given topics. KG classrooms looked amazingly wonderful with marvelous exhibits based on farm house, garden & plants, desert, fruits & vegetables, cartoon, water world etc. The topic for Classes I to III was ‘Forest & Wild Life’. An insight into the wildlife, history and culture was exhibited. Topic for Classes IV & V was ‘World Heritage’. Students exhibited models and charts on the same topic.

The basic theme for Classes VI to VIII was ‘world for a better tomorrow’. Exhibits were presented subject wise, where all teachers and students put forth their best efforts. The Hindi department focused on projects based on a healthy life style and benefits of exercise. The need of conserving energy and nature was mainly projected in the Social Studies category. Effects of global warming, pollution and the modes to control were all explained. The Science department concentrated on inventions and discoveries. Various energy sources were exhibited. Innovative low cost air coolers, rain water harvesting system, various machinery models were all displayed by the enthusiastic participants.

Topic allotted for Classes IX & X was ‘Modern World’. Students exhibited working models, still models and charts on the relevant subjects.

Hon. Chairman Mr. Shaikh Abdul Rahiman, Hon. Secretary Mr. A Amer Mohammed and Hon. Treasurer Mr. S N Raju from the ICSK Board of Trustees visited the Mega Exhibition. They were very much impressed by the presentation and the interest shown by the students in presenting their exhibits.

Live music and dance performances of students were organized in the auditorium. Drawings, paintings and creative art works of students were exhibited in the art gallery. RJs of Radio Amman conducted live shows with riddles, quizzes and other performances. They also aired the remarks and comments of the visitors regarding the conduct of the exhibition.

The Principal appreciated all the teachers for organizing this exhibition to their fullest ability and was also grateful to all parents and students for showing immense interest towards the event which made it a big success, worthy enough for the school to be very proud of. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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