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Kuwait Pavendar Kazhagam organized 52nd Kalam

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Kuwait Pavendar Kazhagam organized 52nd Kalam

Kuwait Pavendar Kazhagam organized its 52nd Kalam on 03.02.2017 at Pavendar Hall in MANGAF. The programme started at 05.00 P.M and was anchored by Thiru.M.Abuthahir (President). Mrs.Kavipriya, Mrs.Abinaya & Mrs. Umadevi sang prayer song.

The event was presided over by Thiru.K.Natarajan (Vice-President), in the presence of Thiru. Kannan (Executive Member).

Shri.Venkat Kadavul (Senior Planning Engineer, Worley-Parsons, Kuwait) & Shri.Raguraman (Service Manager, Yokogawa, Kuwait), were the Special Invitees.

Mr. S. Raveendran (Executive Member), introduced the Chief Guests to audience.

Mrs.Manjula sang PVKK Kalappaadal and one Thirkkural was beautifully elucidated by Mrs.Abinaya under the title “Kuralodu Uravadu”.

Mrs.Priya (Public Relations Secretary) narrated one story with a nice moral in an interesting manner under the title “Kathaikelu Kaniyagu”.

The event under title “KalaththuMedu” was performed by PVKK Children members. Selvan R.Vishwesh Balaji recite one Bharathiar poem. Selvi Dhanusri sang a nice song. Selvan. Kavinesh recite a beautiful rhyme. Selvi. Nikishasri recited Thirukkural & Selvan. R.Sharon Balaji delivered a wonderful speech. Children’s performance of speech and songs were well appreciated by the Chief Guests, audience and members.

A Kavi Arangam was organized under the title “Kavidhai Siragu” under the leadership of poet Thiru.C.Sivamani (Custodian Committee Member). Thiru.M.Abuthahir, Thiru.B.Sathishkumar & Mrs. Umadevi Raveendran (Treasurer) recite beautiful poems on the topic “Malarinum Melliyadhu Kaadhal”.

Mrs.Priya conveyed the Wedding day & Birthday wishes of our members.

Mrs.Vanitha delivered a speech about “Kavikuyil Smt.Sarojini Naidu” under the title “Ninaindhu Ninaindhu”.

Thiru.Vasu Ramanathan (Executive Member) delivered a mesmerizing literary speech in remembrance of World Mother Tongue Day under the title “Inithinum Inithu”.

Thiru. Gangai Gopal gave felicitation address.

The Chief Guests appreciated all the events performed in the programme, which were organized by the office-bearers of Pavendar Kazhagam. During his speech, The Chief Guest mentioned that events were extraordinary, educative and delightful to watch. Furthermore, he added that events were methodically designed to enlighten the audience with pleasure.

Mr. Padmanathan (Executive Member) conducted a Tamil quiz “Solvom Velvom” and the winner Thiru. Ramesh was rewarded with a gift.

Thiru.K.S.Murugesan and Thiru.Kavisei.Sekar recite beautiful poems. Singers, Mrs.Manjula, Thiru.Ramakrishnan & Thiru.Shanmugham entertained the audience with their wonderful voice.

The dinner was sponsored by Mr. Sathishkumar & Family. PVKK Members concluded the program with National Anthem. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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