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Kollam Jilla Pravasi Samajam Conducted Family Picnic

Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Kollam Jilla Pravasi Samajam Conducted Family Picnic

Kollam Jilla Pravasi Samajam conducted Picnic to Rawda Jamal Abdul Nasser Park. The program started by a meeting presided by the former president Mr. George Vairamon and inaugurated by Mr. Jacob Channapetta. The felicitation speeches by the President Mr. S. A. Labba, General Secretary Alex Mathew and Mr. Saji, Mr. Aniyan Kunju, Mr. Ansar Kulathupuzha. General Convener Mr. Salim Raj welcomed the gathering and Vote of Thanks by Mr. Thampi Lukose. The day was full of entertainment with different variety of games in which everybody participated. The most attracted item was the Tug-of-war and the winners were congratulated and fabulous prizes were given by Mr. Rajeev Naduvilemuri, Alappuzha Jilla Association President, Mr. Philip P. V Thomas, Mavelikkara Association Vice President and Mr. Aji Kuttappan, Saradhi Kuwait representative. The entire event was well managed by Mr. Pramil Prabhakaran, Mr. Alex Panaveli, Mr. Biju George, Mrs. Karthika Pramil, Mr. Abin Alex, Mr. Shahid Labba, Mr. Girish, Mr. Tijo Mathew, Mr. Pappachan, Mr. Santhosh Chandran, Mr. Ani Babu and Mr. Binu Thulasi. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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