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India and its Relationship with the World

Sarah Parvesh, IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, August 5, 2020
India and its Relationship with the World

Since India’s independence in 1947 our country has established a very good relationship with many nations around the world. The ministry of external affairs is the government agency responsible for the conduct of foreign relations of India. Even before independence, the government under the British maintained semi-autonomous diplomatic relations. After its independence India joined the Commonwealth of Nations and supported independence movements in other colonies around the world. India was also one of the founder members of both the League of Nations and the United Nations. With the world’s third largest military expenditure, largest armed force and fifth largest economy by nominal rates, India is a regional and a potential power. Our nation also has a growing international influence and a prominent voice in global affairs. India has also played a very important role in many international organizations like East Asia Summit, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, etc. It has also proudly taken part in several peacekeeping missions. India and the Arab states have a strong cultural and economic bond. Did you know that more than 50% of the oil consumed by India comes from the Gulf countries? Indian nationals are the largest expatriate community in the Arabian Peninsula. India faced economic and social issues due to centuries of economic exploitation by colonial powers but after its independence India has developed a lot and has strong economic ties with other countries. Our country is also a major part of the developing world. It has an enormous influence in global affairs and can be seen as an emerging superpower.

We as Indians need to be proud of our country’s development and achievements and I wish all of you Happy Independence Day!!!!

Sarah Parvesh
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