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IES organized “Shubham” to offer blessings to Grade 12 Students

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
IES organized “Shubham” to offer blessings to Grade 12 Students

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kuwait organized “Shubham” (auspicious) an elegant formal farewell to bid adieu and to offer blessings to the grade 12 students in the tranquil evening of February 22, 2018 in the IES auditorium. The Chairman of Bhavans Middle East, Mr. N. K Ramachandran Menon, Principal of IES Mr. T. Premkumar, Principal of Smart Indian School, Mr. Mahesh Iyer, Senior Vice Principal Mr. Suresh V Balakrishnan, Vice Principal CCA Mrs. Meenakshi Nayyar, the teachers of IES, the students of grade 12 and their parents attended the function. Mrs. Anselma Tessy Gonsalves (HoD, Dept. of Biology), the emcee for the evening, welcomed the gathering. After the soul filling prayer song rendered by Mr. Sunil Kumar Menon (Dept. of Sanskrit) and Mrs. Pushpaja M.P (Dept. of English), the Chairman, the Principal and the Senior Vice Principal offered their blessings to the outgoing students. Chairman, Mr. N.K Ramachandran Menon guaranteed them glorious results if they start enjoying learning.

He also reminded them to keep in their hearts the responsibility of making their parents happy. Principal, Mr. T. Premkumar acknowledged the mettle of the batch and reiterated that they would break the records of the class 12 results of IES. The class prefects of the Science and Commerce streams, Aakash Kalantre (12 A), Asma Khan (12 B) and Rebekah Sunil (12 C) shared their memories at Bhavans. While sharing their experience with Bhavans, the parents of grade 12 students who had the longest association with Bhavans, Mr. Shafkat Sayed (Parent of Afnaan Sayed), Mr. Mohammed Khalid Damodar (Parent of Kiren Khalid) and Mrs. Renjini Sunil (Parent of Rebekah Sunil) thanked the visionary Chairman, the ever supportive Principal and the devoted teachers profusely for the quality education rendered at Bhavans and for the holistic development of their wards. The students along with their parents received the admit cards and the mementos from the Chairman and the Principal. In the ensuing candle lighting ceremony, the students lit the candles from the Chairman, Principal and the teachers. In the tranquil ambience of the candle lit auditorium principal, Mr. T. Premkumar prayed for the students. The class teachers and the class prefects joined the Chairman and the principal for the unveiling of the class photographs amid thunderous applause. The message to the students which took the form of a musical video was acknowledged with roaring ovation. On the occasion the grade 11 students presented an exciting cultural show and gifted an appealing and colourful Year Book to the twelfth graders as a token of their love and appreciation for them. The Grade 12 students reciprocated with the distribution of sweets for their loving gesture. Mr. Sudhi Ariyil (Dept. of Science), the coordinator of Grade 12 proposed the vote of thanks. ‘Farewell’ is always painful and so was it for all those who had gathered at IES. The parents exchanged pleasantries and expressed their gratitude to the teachers, and the students took the blessings of their teachers. The students bid adieu to their alma mater after a few random and specific clicks to cache the memories of the forgone schooldays ‘Shubham’. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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