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Hindi Diwas Celebrations at Bhavans Kuwait

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Hindi Diwas Celebrations at Bhavans Kuwait

Hindi is a rich language spoken by almost half a billion people across the globe. Hindi is the lingua franca of India. This amazing Indo-European language is the second largest language in the world. It takes pride in being the mother tongue of 180 million people and the second language of 300 million people.

Indian Educational School, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kuwait, the flagbearer of authentic Indian culture across the Middle East region and elsewhere celebrates the true spirit of ‘Hindi Diwas’ every year. The Hindi Diwas Celebration of this year was held on January 14, 2018 in the IES school auditorium.

The Department of Hindi organized many cultural events as part of the celebrations. An Interschool ‘Nukkat Natak’ (Street Play) contest was indeed the icing on the cake. Eminent writer Dr. Navneeth Gandhi and Mrs. Sapna Joshi, HoD, Hindi, Kuwait Indian School were the chief guests as well as the adjudicators of the interschool contests.

The program began with the ‘lighting of the lamp.’ The ceremonious lamp was lit by all the invited dignitaries.

Very many school teams partook in the Nukkat Natak competition. The theme of the contest was ‘Kahin kho na jaye bachpan.’

(Childhood). The Street Play team of Delhi Public School, Kuwait was adjudged to be the best.

The team that represented the host school was declared as the first runner up and the team that represented the United Indian School was declared as the second runner up of the Nukkat Natak Competition.

In the sub-junior category, Ammar Yusuf of Indian Community School, (ICSK) Junior won the first place in the Story Telling competition. The second and the third prizes were bagged by Ruth Ann Joby of ICSK Amman and Amairah Sharma of IES respectively.

In the junior category, Aman Baig of Learners Own Academy won the first prize. The second and the third prizes were won by Maryam Chorghay of ICSK and Priyati Alkesh of Smart Indian School. A puppet show and a dance by Devi Nandana and Harichandana added spice to the Hindi Diwas celebrations of Indian Educational School.

‘Hum honge kamyab,’ the Hindi version of the world famous marching song ‘We Shall Overcome’ was sung by the students of IES amid thunderous applause. The audience joined the kids merrily and the song was on everyone’s lips even after the exodus from the school auditorium.

The prizes were given away by the guests amid applause of appreciation. Mrs. Swarna Saini, Faculty Head, Hindi delivered the welcome address. Mrs. Vandana, a member of the Hindi faculty proposed the vote of thanks. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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