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Buntara Sangha Kuwait- AGM 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Buntara Sangha Kuwait- AGM 2019

The 17th Annual General body meeting of Buntara Sangha Kuwait was held on Friday January 25, 2019 at Arabic School, Reggae. Young and dynamic leader Mr. Guruprasad Hegde re-elected as BSK President for 2019. The event for the day commenced with a prayer song to Lord Ganesh by Mrs. Sowmya Prasadh Shetty, Mrs. Sowmya Santhosh Shetty & Mrs. Deepthi Prashanth Shetty. Followed by National Anthem of Kuwait & India respectively. Lighting of the lamp was done by the outgoing President and managing committee members. General Secretary Mr. Vishwanath Shetty presented the annual report for the year, highlighting the achievements of the Sangha in cultural and charitable activities during the year. The audited annual financial report for the year 2018 was presented by the Treasurer Mr. Surendra Shetty, which was later approved by the members present at the AGM with a huge round of applause. President Dr. Shekar Shetty, thanked all the members for their strong support during his tenure. He praised the managing committee members for their innovative ideas, strategic thinking and tireless efforts to increase the visibility of the Sangha. He reiterated that the support of the members and goodwill have enabled the Sangha to make remarkable contributions towards welfare activities under HEMA (health, education and marriage assistance) scheme. Subcommittee members & previous managing committee members were presented with mementos, in appreciation of their valuable participation during the 'Buntayana & Deepavali Parbha' 2018. This was followed by the election of the 2019 managing committee.

Electoral officer Mr. Jayasheel Shetty announced the members unanimously elected as office bearers of the Buntara Sangha for the Year 2019.

Members of Bunts Sangha managing committee for the year 2019 are:

President : Mr. Guruprasad Hegde

Vice President : Mr. Rakshak Shetty

General Secretary : Mr. Dhiraj Shetty

Treasurer : Mr. Raviraj Shetty Bakrabail

Cultural Secretary : Mrs. Shruthi Rai Pakkala

Sports Secretary : Mr. Mayuresh Shetty

PRO : Mrs. Prema Shetty

The new Managing Committee had taken oath to serve better for this year. Mr. Guruprasad Hegde has been elected to BSK MC for third time, twice now as President. He has been very instrumental in the past to bring the Sangha together and work towards a collective approach. Mr. Hegde stressed the members to work collectively to bring in fresh ideas.

The event was followed by Cultural Events like Solo Performances by Mrs. Sushma Sateesh, Mr. Dhiraj Shetty, Mr. Abhishek Shetty, Miss Tashvi Raghunath Shetty, Miss Shravya Shetty. Mrs. Sushma Sateesh solo was amazing and praised by audience. Most awaited theatre act named "KAL AAJ AUR KAL" Choreographed by Mrs. Shruthi Rai Pakkala and performed by local Bunts artists got good round of applause. Kids group dance choreographed by Mrs. Shalini Yadunath Alva was wonderful. Also Funny Dance as special attraction performed by Bunts Gents. The event was hosted by Mr. Ashish Shetty. The event concluded with Vote of Thanks by Mr. Vishwanath Shetty. The Program concluded with mouth-watering lunch by Avanti Palace. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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