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Builders of the Future

Sarah Parvesh, IIK Young Contributor Friday, September 4, 2020
Builders of the Future

A great man once said, “A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.” Behind every successful person there is always someone who had shown them the path to success. Many often forget these people or just don’t see the need to show respect or even acknowledge those who had molded them from the first day of their journey to victory. One of the most important people in a student’s life is their teachers. We all know that the children are the future of the world but who are the wonderful people that create and teach the children to be true humans? They are the teachers. The society usually thinks that the job of a teacher is really easy and doesn’t require much energy but what they don’t understand is that if there were no teachers, all other professions wouldn’t exist.

A teacher is not given enough respect or value by many people. A true teacher does not teach only math and science, they also teach their students the important lessons of life. They see their students as their own kids. A teacher inspires students to strive for their goals and gives them a reason to think big in life. They help children become into a better person. When the children transform into smarter and wiser adults day by day the future of the world becomes brighter and brighter everyday. Every student finds guidance, friendship, discipline, and love in a good teacher. Every teacher is different. They may teach different subjects, they may have different teaching techniques, they may even have different methods of communicating but they all have the same purpose and that is to lead every kid to success and see a bright smile on their students faces. Never under estimate the power a teacher holds. She can either spoil the child and turn it into a cruel person or nourish the student with love and guide them to a bright future. Never forget your teacher and always thank her for what you are today. I wish every wonderful teacher a happy teacher’s day!!!!!

Sarah Parvesh
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