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Bhavan’s Smart Indian School conducted Fancy Dress Day for the Kindergartners for three classes

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Bhavan’s Smart Indian School conducted Fancy Dress Day for the Kindergartners for three classes

Bhavan’s Smart Indian School conducted Fancy Dress Day for the Kindergartners for three classes - PKG, LKG and UKG in the auditorium.

Their performance received magnificent appraisal from the viewers. The tiny tots of the school were given an opportunity to showcase their talents on stage. The purpose of the event was not only to blend learning with fun but also to develop confidence and courage to speak in front of the crowd.

These special days served an important purpose by helping them to overcome anxieties related to performing on stage.

The sparkling students came dressed up in the costumes related to the themes allotted to them like being fruits, daily used objects and world famous personalities. The efforts and consistent practice of the children and parents were highly commendable. The overwhelming moments stole the hearts of the gatherers.

Principal wished all the amazing participants to have many more days of delight ahead. The competition proved to be a great learning experience for the students as it was a platform for them to explore their talents. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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