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Bhavan’s SIS engineers a triumphant ‘EUREKA’

Sunday, February 3, 2019
Bhavan’s SIS engineers a triumphant ‘EUREKA’

‘EUREKA’ – a juncture that explains the discoveries and models of the beloved and innovative students was conducted this year on 31st January, 2019 on the school premises. The thriving thoughts, imaginative outcomes, fascinated minds of the curious students had encompassed the scenario ever since the start of the announcement of the exhibition. The love for the subject and a total involvement to invest the effort in their assigned projects were some of the highlights to cherish their flaring skill in preparation and presentation of the models. The grand day was graced by the Chief Guest, Mr. Krishna Kumar Sugumaran – Associate Research Scientist, Guest of Honor, Ms. Shaymaa Al-Qalaf – Research Technician, Ms. Vijaya Nair – Educationist, Social Activist and Media Personnel from Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research, Mr. Saleh Ali Al Rasheedi – The Public Relation Officer, SIS, Chairman – Bhavans Middle East, Principals of IES and SIS, Vice Principals of IES and SIS, KG Supervisor, Administrative Manager and Manager Owners’ Office. The enriching day in the findings of our creative students was kicked off with the welcome dance by Kindergarten toddlers who amazed the audience with their aura of freshness. The scenario was set auspicious following the lighting of the lamp. The welcome speech was rendered by the Junior Head Boy, Tevin Joe Thomas. The time proceeded to invoke the blessings of the Almighty through a dance. The wonderful speech was delivered by the Chief Guest. The token of love in the form of artworks by the master painters of our school were extended to the honorable dignitaries of the day.

The much awaited unravelling of the puzzle was put forth to the dignitaries and it had rightly paved a way for them to move to various stalls. The exhibits and performances filled up in English section was a delight to the dignitaries and viewers in getting to know about the aesthetics of language. The love for words and an eagerness to know more about words were raised in the Language stall of Hindi and French. The exhibits uncovered the secrets behind numbers and signs in Math section. The enigmatic yet proving subject which amassed massive exhibits was an intellectual upgrading in the minds of the viewers. The sense of mystery and the act of discovery were well applicable in Social Studies stall. The models placed in Arabic stall made people admire the beauty of language and helped the viewers to go back in time to see the ways the language had existed in the past. The stall allotted to display different types of dance was an entertaining time to all the spectators.

The exhibition overturned the normal notion of thinking and created a way to enlighten all with the exhibits engulfed with information. Thus EUREKA 2019 had come to an end with varieties of information to enrich and cherish. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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