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Bhavan’s SIS celebrates Ornately Rich Annual Day

Thursday, December 20, 2018
Bhavan’s SIS celebrates Ornately Rich Annual Day

Bhavan’s Smart Indian School celebrated its 2nd Annual Day, SRISHTI on 14th December 2018. It was a spectacular show of myriad colors in rainbow, the thematic hues taken for this year’s exploration. The vibrancy and zest filled the air as the series of programs elated the very spirit of earnest viewers of yet another monumental episode in regally rich archive of Smart Indian School. The esteemed Chief Guest – Dr. C.V. Ananda Bose, IAS (Rtd.) - Advisor to Govt. of Megalaya, Founder and Chairman – Mr. N.K. Ramachandran Menon - Bhavans Middle East; Mrs. Sudha Ramachandran Menon, Director of Bhavans Middle East – Mr. Krishnadas Menon, Public Relation Officer, Smart Indian School – Mr. Saleh Ali Al Rashidi, Special Guests – Mr. Mohammad Al Elnamshan and Mr. Salem Al Quefedi graced the occasion.

The program unfurled its artworks with Kuwait National Anthem and the recital of Holy Quran. The theme’s inaugural introduction by the students fetched good admiration from the audience. The moment crept into the auspicious time of lighting the lamp followed by the prayer song and the school anthem. The Head Girl of the school, Caren Ann Suresh welcomed the gathering in her welcome address. The Chief Guest poured in the words of wisdom in his welcome address where he touched on the values to be inculcated in the students’ life. Award ceremony witnessed a rewarding time for the students as well as teachers for their achievements in various capacity. They were honored under various titles like Scholars, All Rounders, 100% attendance holders, Class & Event coordinators for the academic year 2017-18, 10 years’ service completion and special awards to two students who bagged them for their bravery and reformation. The tokens of love and respect were offered to the chief guest for honoring the day with his presence. Bhavans Global Charity Drive, centering with the motive to not only show ‘Bhavans’ as a hub of education but the cradle of philanthropy, was projected in reception to applause and admiration.

The maiden magazine, Mélange had its launch by the hands of the Chief Guest, Dr. Ananda Bose who unfurled the debut magazine amidst plaudits and uproar of joy.

The much awaited part of entertainment commenced signifying the hues of rainbow, VIBGYOR which is taken as a thematic study for each class by exploring their own forms of creativity in their programs. The cherubic students of grade 1 bifurcated the color, Violet under various ideas like Royalty, Freedom and Nostalgia with the singing and performance to bring all royals under one umbrella. The ebullient students of grade 2 signified Indigo in their performance through dance and skit on right judgment. The sparkling students of grade 3 in Blue colored the dais with their skit on Iranian folktale and dance on its culture. The message on ‘Save environment’ by grade 4 imparted the historical event of brave Amrita under Green in their enactment and dances.

The ray of inspiration christened as hope was unraveled in the skit and insightful performance by grade 5 which signified Yellow. The world of merriment and sheer comedy were evident under the canopy of ALEGRIA CIRCO’s Orange to prove the students of 6 and 7 graders’ capacity to go beyond heights. The senior students of the school, grades 8 & 9 were able to reveal the ultimate thought of the day - patriotism under the crimson Red. The whole program was applauded for its tasteful delivery. The vibrant spirit was kept throughout the evening. The Head Boy, Joshua Thomas delivered the vote of thanks. The grand finale unveiled the grandest ending of SRISHTI 2018 followed by the Indian National Anthem which was displayed in honor and dedication to the differently challenged. Hence the second Annual Day, SRISTHI 2018 proved its oneness and team spirit through this mega event of Smart Indian School. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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