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Bhavans, Kuwait Celebrated the 71st Indian Independence Day

Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Bhavans, Kuwait Celebrated the 71st   Indian Independence Day

August 15 is the day which is deeply embedded in golden script in the history of India and in the heart of every Indian, the day when all Indians all over the world celebrate the spirit of freedom with zest and zeal irrespective of their cast, creed, culture and religion. And, here in Kuwait, Indian Educational School (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) celebrated the 71st Indian Independence Day on 15th August, 2017. To mark the occasion, the pathway from the entrance to the auditorium was blazoned with tricolor balloons and paper fans, and all the hearts throbbed in sync to proclaim the same sentiment, ‘Proud to be an Indian’.

Ketan Maheshwari, Head Boy of IES welcomed the gathering. Mr. T. Premkumar, the principal, was given the Guard of Honour by the cadets of the Bhavans Service Scheme. The Principal hoisted the Indian National Flag in the school premises in the presence of Mrs. Rathi Ravindran, the Principal of Jack & Jill, Mangaf, Vice Principals of IES, Mr. Suresh V Balakrishnan, Mrs. Lalitha Premkumar and Mrs. Meenakshi Nayyar, Heads of Departments, teachers and students of IES and read out the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind’s speech delivered on the eve of India’s Independence. He urged the future citizens of India to be like the scattered flower petals which had been forced out of their comfort zone from the unfurled flag, to face the challenges by spreading the fragrance of love and peace all around. Principal thanked the students who had attended the program despite having their midterm examination starting tomorrow which he said is a reflection of their patriotism.

Mrs. Lalitha Premkumar, Vice Principal (KG and Primary) in her message to the students congratulated them for sacrificing their holiday to celebrate the love for their motherland and implored them to uphold the culture and tradition to manifest the true Indian spirit with awe wherever they happen to be. She further added that to enjoy the freedom envisaged by our forefathers we should sink our petty differences, and be united in our common interest to fight the battle started by our great leaders, against injustice, corruption, illiteracy, poverty, violence against women and children, discrimination, terrorism and all the social evils; only then the real meaning of freedom will have any significance in our lives.

Representing the students Shiv Govind Dahima, Cultural Secretary of IES expressed his gratitude to the school for giving the students an opportunity to be a part of the celebration to exhibit the true spirit of patriotism and urged the student community to display the spirit of being true Indians.

Mrs. Meenakshi Nayyar, the Vice Principal CCA read out the Independence Day pledge while all the patriots gathered in the school premises reverently echoed the pledge with their right arm steadfastly stretched out.

Patriotism in its true spirit was exhibited by the students and pedagogues alike by pinning the tricolor badges on their tricolor attires and by singing songs praising the motherland. The school environs reverberated with the deep-rooted love for the motherland, when the minstrels among the pupils and pedagogues sang “Sare Jahan se Achha” with the euphoria of being true patriots celebrating the Independence Day on 15th of August in Kuwait, despite the exam that riveted its glare on them.

The scene of the celebration shifted from the school premises to the school auditorium, where students were shown videos to ignite the patriotic passion in every single soul of the land of unparalleled culture and tradition. Sweets were distributed and everyone candied up their already sweet memories of the motherland and went home at 10: 00 AM with the hymn reverberating through the labyrinths of their mind; Vande Mataram, I praise thee, mother. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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