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Attempt to steal money from ATM

Friday, July 10, 2020
Attempt to steal money from ATM

Security authorities are now investigating a case of attempt to steal money from an ATM located in Jahra area after the security authorities received a warning indication that an attempt to tamper the ATM is happening at one of the bank's branch.

Authorities started a scan of the cameras of a local bank in Jahra, as well as cameras located in the vicinity of the ATM bank machine, in an attempt to identify the two unknown thieves, one of whom was fat and the other skinny, who tried to steal the money inside the machine.

Forensic men also moved to the site to take the fingerprints from the machines. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Original Bajrangi Bhaijan
Friday, July 10, 2020
'' of whom was fat and the other skinny...''
??? This has Laurel and Hardy written all over it.

OTOH, if there was a 3rd miscreant waiting outside, you can be sure it was the deadly trio - Larry, Moe and Curly.

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