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A Teacher: The One-Stop Shop For Knowledge

Kamalini Ramesh, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, September 2, 2020
A Teacher: The One-Stop Shop For Knowledge

A teacher, what does this word generally remind you of? Maybe a person who shares their knowledge with us or a person who keeps nagging us for complete work. But a teacher does much more than this, they shape our lives.

From ABC’s to Algebra, everything we know is mostly taught to us by our teachers. (nowadays even the internet plays the role of a teacher) Life without a teacher would be like a building without a basement, there is no chance of it being able to stand straight.

I often wonder if teachers have a boredom repellent, by that I mean who would want to burn the midnight oil just to correct a pile of messy notebooks instead of sleeping tight and teach the same lessons year after year to different batches of students. They yell until they are hoarse just to make sure we learn our lessons right and score well. I can’t even imagine the dullness quotient in their lives. This may seem dull to us but maybe tolerating all this is what makes a teacher special.

I said before that I wondered (now I am quite sure) that teachers have boredom repellents. There sure must be some side effects to the repellent, but our teachers don’t seem to have been affected by any of it. They stay awake half the night and still are not irritable. If it was me staying awake, then I sure would be crankier than a cat. I think I must purchase one of these boredom repellents too because they don’t seem to have any side effects and are efficient in driving away boredom.

We sum up our teachers very often. Sometimes we say that a teacher is interesting, and some other teacher is strict. But we fail to realise that teachers give us knowledge and knowledge cannot be discriminated. Whoever it may come from does not matter, it only matters whether the knowledge given out is absorbed or not.

A teacher always need not be the one who teaches us at school. There is a teacher inside every one of us. Readiness to share your knowledge with others is the qualification you need to teach. There may be a lot of instances where you may have helped someone with their work by sharing your knowledge. In this case you unknowingly have played the role of a teacher therefore you’re special too.

There’s a saying that goes, “Always remember that someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you.” This is the most accurate saying to describe a teacher. They work hard not for themselves but for us. One day is never enough to show our teachers that we are thankful to them. They have given us a treasure to last us our entire lives in the form of knowledge.

Teachers are heroes who do not wear capes and do not have alter egos. This Teachers Day glorify your teachers and remember to show your gratitude to them with these three words ‘Happy Teachers Day’. Do celebrate the teacher inside you too (this is the perfect way to snag yourself a treat in the name of celebrating your inner teacher.)

Stay home and Stay safe. Thank you.

Kamalini Ramesh
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