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ILOA hosted 14th Investiture Ceremony

Sunday, May 5, 2024
ILOA hosted 14th Investiture Ceremony

"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things." – RONALD REAGAN

Indian Learners’ Own Academy empowers its students to become the future leaders of the world. In line with this vision, ILOA recently hosted its 14th Investiture Ceremony on May 2nd, 2024, marked by the vibrant participation of students and the dedicated school faculty.

ILOA’s students should cultivate confidence through tackling life's challenges. The event began with the arrival of the esteemed chief guests Mrs. Sujata Sivakrishnan and Mrs. Manju along with Vice Principals, Mrs. Jaseela Noufal & Mrs. Nazma Baig, Mrs. Annie John, the Administrator and distinguished faculty members. Our distinguished chief guest for the day was Mrs. Sujata Sivakrishnan, principal of Indian Central School in Kuwait and a member of the animal welfare charity Blue Cross.

The ceremony opened with a verse from the Holy Quran, followed by a stirring rendition of the school song by the ILOA Choir. The spirit of patriotism soared as the National Anthems of Kuwait and India echoed through the hall. The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp by our esteemed Principal and the chief guests, followed by an inspiring welcome speech from Mrs. Asha Sharma, the school Principal. Her leadership style left a lasting impression on the audience, illuminating our minds with clarity and inspiration. Adding to the enchantment of the evening, the talented dancers of LOA graced the stage with a classical performance, filling hearts with pride and joy.

Leadership is the art of forging ahead, beckoning others to join the journey. In the realm of effective leadership, collaboration with peers and fostering unity among team members stand as pillars of success. As the newly appointed council members were adorned with badges and sashes from the chief guest Mrs. Sujata Sivakrishnan. Abhinand Raj of class XII-F was appointed as the President followed by the School Captain, Silvan Miracle of class XII-D. Joachim Thomas of class XII-F was appointed as the Head Boy and Jane Jobby of class XII-A was appointed as the school Head Girl. The Sports Captains Noel Alex Cyril and Jomita John marched down followed by the Chief of Editorial Board Jessica Mary and Vice Head Boy and Head Girl Aadithya Biju and Zobya. Then the literary secretaries Kevin Prabash and Meenakshi Sreekanth and cultural secretaries Gowri Parvathy and Akshaya Leonard marched forward and the editorial board members followed them. Then the house members marched and assembled in front of their respective house wardens to receive their badges. Then the class representatives from class 3-12 were badged by Mrs. Asha Sharma and Mrs. Sujata Sivakrishnan.

The moment had arrived for the newly appointed council members to commit themselves and establish their roles as leaders within the school. Led by the Principal, they took an oath, symbolizing their dedication to fulfilling their responsibilities with utmost sincerity. The Principal also extended congratulations and briefed them on the expectations of ILOA. Mrs. Sujata Sivakrishnan graciously congratulated the newly appointed council members and warmly shared her appreciation for being invited to witness such a momentous occasion. Her words resonated with genuine admiration for the dedication and commitment displayed by each member.

The grand occasion drew to a close with a powerful finale led by the President and Head Boy, each exuding unwavering confidence and determination for a brighter tomorrow. In his passionate address, the President emphasized the importance of fostering strong teamwork within the council, recognizing that collective efforts are the cornerstone of success. Meanwhile, the Head Boy, in his heartfelt vote of thanks, expressed gratitude for the trust placed in them and vowed to make this academic year a resounding success for our alma mater, both academically and in extracurricular pursuits. They painted a vision of our school's banner soaring high in the sky, a symbol of love, dignity, and grace, propelled by our collective efforts and unwavering unity.

The stage wasn't merely a platform; it was a captivating spectacle that left a lasting impression, a canvas painted with the vibrant hues of achievement and possibility. It was clear that none of this could have been possible without the unwavering support, coordination, and collaboration of an entire community. From the dedicated parents, devoted teachers to the diligent administrative staff and the spirited students, each played an indispensable role in bringing this vision to life. As the echoes of applause faded into the night, it left behind a sense of pride, gratitude, and optimism for the future, a future shaped by the collaborative spirit of all who contributed to its success. ‘Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.’ - Henry Ford is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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