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Bhavans Smart Indian School, Kuwait organizes a Session on 'The Importance of Positive Values”

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Bhavans Smart Indian School, Kuwait organizes a Session on

Bhavans SIS, often nurtures its young minds with ideas and thoughts appropriate for their age, to enable them to visualize all walks of life with positivity and to build a strong sense of integrity and resilience to achieve success in their personal and academic goals, which other people will notice and respect them for life. In this regard, expert speakers from the Art of living Foundation Kuwait, Mr. Radhakrishnan, and Mrs. Nita Radhakrishnan through their gracious presence on 18th April 2024, led the students of grades 9 -12 and teachers with simple activities and priceless information on positivity and the need to realize the sole purpose of one’s living.

The session under the aegis of the Department of Counselling and Psychology, coordinated by the School Counselor Ms. Anju Jacob, commenced in the esteemed presence of the Principal Mr. Mahesh Iyer, Senior Vice Principal Mrs. Anselma Tessy, Academic Coordinator Mr. Santhosh Chungath and Vice Principal Ms. Albin Daisy. Ms. Rakshana of Grade 11 Aries extended a warm greeting and further paved the way for the invited speakers to take over and enlighten the listeners with essential details on positiveness and ways and means to overcome negativisms in life.

The speakers spotlighted that negativity could easily be expunged if one realizes the need to be happy and live life to its fullest. Further, the need to be enthusiastic, joyful, lovable, compassionate and caring for others was also pointed. Moreover, the meaning, cause and consequences of inhibition and its relevance in causing stress and methods to overcome it were explained to the best satisfaction of the students. Next, facts related to concentration, thinking level, sleep pattern, taking up responsibility, methods to improve communication, making good friends who are supportive, realization of one’s inner potential, parameters of success and related information which would sow the seed in living a meaningful positive life and to eradicate negativity was listed. The questions put forth by the inquisitive learners were instantly responded to by the experts which was truly convincing and satisfying.

Thus, the session wrapped up with the unfurling message and concluding words of wisdom by the ever-supportive SLT members who urged the students to incorporate positiveness and see the tremendous outcome they would witness in life. As a token of appreciation and recognition for their time and effort taken to instill the virtue of positive value, the experts were honored with mementos and words of gratitude by the gathering. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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