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The life of soldiers

Halima Hussain Sayed, IIK Young Reporter Monday, August 7, 2023
The life of soldiers

Soldiers are courageous front of any nation. They protect us from intrusions even if it comes at a danger to their own lives. Honesty, courage, self- control, decency and conviction of motive makes a soldier strong. Soldiers fight against those who take freedom and rights from others.

Soldiers possess a good physic and are mentally strong. They face a lot of struggles and challenges that need to be fought with courage.

Soldiers hardly get any leaves. Whether it is a festival or a special family occasion, they are seldom able to celebrate it with there love ones.

The citizens of the country can live in peace as long as it has a strong army.

The honour of the country and that of the national flag is if leading importance to a ideal soldier. A soldier who is dedicated to serve his country continues to train himself to stay physically fit.

Being mentally strong is as important as the physical strength in order to emerge victorious in the battlefield.

Soldiers wear uniforms because it reflects order and discipline. And it is the symbol of honour and tradition.

They are the guardians of the nation and protect it's citizens at all costs. Moreover, they are a very

Selfless lot who put the interest of the country above their personal interest.

"A soldier is a hero who understands the responsibilities that comes with his freedom".

Halima Hussain Sayed
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Monday, August 14, 2023
Very interesting article

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