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Indian Independence Day

Tony Sijo, IIK Young Contributor Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Indian Independence Day

Ever since the British raj, Indians have been slaved against their own will. Nobody wants to be captured with no freedom whatsoever. And during this time the British took full advantage of Indians. But it all changed during the early 1930’s. We all know who the “Father of Our Nation” is right? It was Mahatma Gandhi. He went through many places across India helping the poor people and holding the Salt and Dandi march. India waged many wars and hundreds of soldiers sacrificed their lives for our nation. And finally after all those years of suffering, the British left India on one condition: India and Pakistan should be different countries. And they accepted it. Great joy went through all of India and through Mahatma Gandhi himself. But all couldn’t go for long because on January 30 1948, one year after India’s independence, Mahatma Gandhi got hit by a gunshot and died. But everybody still remembers the father of our nation every year on October 2nd, on his birthday. And after the British gave India independence. The first prime minister of India: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru gave an inspirational and motivational speech. He said that now, India has awoken to a new light and that we must do everything that we can to take care of it and make it better even after independence. India is our motherland which gave birth to many historical civilizations and great people and we should be proud to be citizens of such a great nation. But even though we have such a great country and now have independence, our work is not done yet. India still holds many poor villages with even more poorer villagers. And the greatest man of our time Mahatma Gandhi said that his mission would not be complete until every tear is wiped away. So that means that we have to carry on that work to make India a better place. So when we come back to our present day, even though it’s been ¾ of a century since independence our work is STILL not complete. Our ultimate aim is to make every Indian citizen happy and to make sure that there is no more poverty in Indians. So now we have to manage relationships with other countries and help them in their needs. So, In conclusion, we celebrate 75 years of independence with pride. For 75 years our country has been celebrating its independence. And we have to make it better, to fit into this world in the spirit of love, unity and freedom.

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