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Shiven Rojasara, IIK Young Reporter Tuesday, August 1, 2023

A flag is the most important symbol of a country. Similarly, the national flag of India is a symbol of paramount significance for India. The national flag of India is a symbol of honor, patriotism, and freedom for the country.

It represents the unity of the people of India in spite of the differences in language, culture, religion, class, etc. Most noteworthy, the Indian flag is a horizontal rectangular tricolor. Furthermore, the flag of India consists of saffron, white, and green. The Indian National Flag is a symbol of India’s freedom and its integrity. It symbolizes that the nation is governed by its people, without foreign interference. Prideful display of the Flag demarcates Indian territories and acts as a warning to the invaders. The National Flag of India is a rectangular Tricolor with three horizontal stripes of saffron, white and green, from top to bottom.

The Indian National Flag is a symbol of India’s freedom and its integrity. It symbolizes that the nation is governed by its people, without foreign interference. Prideful display of the Flag demarcates Indian territories and acts as a warning to the invaders. The National Flag of India is a rectangular Tricolor with three horizontal stripes of saffron, white and green, from top to bottom. In the middle of the white stripe is an impression of the Ashoka Wheel of Ashoka Chakra printed in blue. The Flag is based on Swaraj Flag, designed by Pingali Venkayya. Saffron represents courage and sacrifice; white symbolizes peace; green represents fertility and prosperity. The Flag code of India governs the tricolor display, and any act of dishonor to the National Flag is a punishable offense.

Shiven Rojasara
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