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A Clean Environment, A Happy Place

Michelle Carolyn Sunday, July 4, 2021
A Clean Environment, A Happy Place

A clean and tidy environment can effect a person’s mood, relax stress and anxiety and help them to focus better on what they are doing. Being a student, I find a clean and organized room an essential place to study, relax and play. Cleaning has many positive effects on a person, and it is very often a good exercise and satisfying job. Many people do not mind having a messy and unorganized house and this usually makes a negative impression on them. My family members make it a point to keep our house as tidy as possible, lest that no one should feel frustrated and constantly keep searching for their things. They encouraged me to clear away any mess that I might have created and I found myself understanding how very important it is to have a clean space to work. In fact, after studying about how plants can purify the air, I now have 2 beautiful potted plants beside my study table – a money plant and an aloe-vera.

Hence, I’m going to discuss simple ways to maintain a room neat and tidy and also necessitate the importance of cleaning your house.

* Make it a habit to clear away trash anytime you spot them

* Do not have too many decorative ornaments on you study-table. Just keep the important things like notepads, schoolbooks, computer/laptop, a calendar or planner, etc.

* Do not have dirty dishes and clothes lying around. It can sometimes make the place smelly.

* Do not have the same bed-sheet for more than two weeks.

* Vacuum or sweep the place once or twice a week

* Wipe dusty surfaces with soapy water any time you see one.

* Keep your toys, books and stationary always in their appropriate places.

* If you have bed-bug problems, spray Dettol over the corners of your cot occasionally.

* If you are a serious book worm, try to maintain a small rack for stacking your books in rather than piling them on your table.

* If convenient, have the windows open for fresh air

* Spray a bit of air-freshener to keep the place smelling pleasant

* Do not eat food sitting on the bed

* Have a few fresh potted plants in your room

* Keep your clothes neatly folded inside drawers or cupboards

* It is advisable to do all messy activities on a plastic sheet spread on the floor.

I’ve followed many of these myself and have gradually realized that having a spotless room, not only keeps you happy and more care-free for the rest of the day, but it also certainly helps you to create a better focus on your studies. Here’s a bonus tip if you’re always forgetting about important dates and timetables – have a notice-board. It’s not really necessary to buy one, making one is simple and encourages you to use it more often. Creating time-tables is a really effective way to study efficiently as it helps you to know what you will be doing each and every single day without missing the day’s work. I have created a ‘Study Plan’ which tells me what to study every day and when to do so. This has improved my studying efficiency by leaps and bounds and I find myself very calm and relaxed before exams and oral tests.

When my room is lying haphazard, I am more than unwilling to study but my feelings change as soon as I enter the hall, where everything is perfectly in its place.

Also, a messy room naturally keeps you distracted and the chaos around makes you feel reluctant to study. This has been proven by the Princeton University itself.

Above all, you yourself must be clean and maintain personal hygiene. It is awfully important to have a clean house for the following reasons:

* Say good-bye to bacteria, viruses and germs

* Dust that accumulates in corners and bedsheets can enter into a person’s lungs and cause breathing problems

* Our furniture will last longer if we clean and dust them on a regular basis

* The physical appearance of the place will improve tremendously

* An organized house saves time

* Very importantly, you’ll be prepared for surprise visitors!

* Cleaning improves the quality of indoor air

* You can rest at ease when you’re not waking up to see chaos all over.

* It is good for children, especially toddlers who can pick up anything small enough to stuff into their mouths

* You can easily find things

* A filthy and cluttered environment can make you sick more often and develop allergies.

* There will be no food scraps for fungus to developed.

So, you see? Having a nice spick and span room from morning to night has many positive effects on our physical and mental health. Hope you found this article helpful. Have a great day!

Michelle Carolyn
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