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Land Of Snow

Avanthika Balaji, IV-A, IES Bhavans Sunday, May 30, 2021
Land Of Snow

One winter night, when I went out for a walk, I heard a noise.

I investigated it and found a group of snowmen having a meeting in a snow cave.

They looked worried and were discussing among themselves about Santa Claus missing. One of them cried, “Where did Santa go? Did he tell anyone about the number of gifts we should be preparing for the Christmas?”.

Looking at their condition, I decided to help them.

I introduced myself to them, “Hello everybody! Can I help you?”. They all were scared and frightened to see me over there.

One came to me and asked, “Excuse me, may I know who you are?”. I told them about me and added that I could really help them with their problem.

I said, “My father can do some magic. I will ask him to make an aero plane, we can use it to go in search of Santa”. Another snowman asked me doubtfully, “Sorry, if we leave this cave, we all could meltdown and die”.

Then I told them, “Don’t worry, I will ask my father to make the plane fully airconditioned, so that you all can fly safely in search of Santa.”

I said, “Come on friends, Lets go.” I explained everything to my father. He immediately cast a spell and got an aero plane which we took to fly to go in search of Santa along with all four snowmen.

We searched all around the mountains and woods but could not find him.

Finally we reached Mount Everest, “Look!” one said. “There is our Santa. Looks like his cart is broken. So he’s stuck in this mountain.” We happily rescued him back to our town.

Santa was so happy to be rescued. “Thank God! You people rescued me on time. I was worried of missing Christmas”, said Santa.

Then Santa asked snowmen to make 1,00,000 toys, which they made immediately.

We together shared the gifts with everyone in the town. I made lots of friends and that was my happiest Christmas ever.

Avanthika Balaji, IV-A, IES Bhavans is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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