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Top 5 TIMES We Waste Our Time

Hemshyam Thangamani Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Top 5 TIMES We Waste Our Time

The basic objective of these Top 5 is not to motivate you to waste your time (though, that's what most of us do), but to understand these incidents and try to make a change. Just for a minute stop reading, go to you mobile settings and check how much time you have used in each app. You would not be shocked, because it’s obvious that most of it is spent in social media. An adult within 24 hours wastes about 240 minutes in front of a T.V., 171 minutes checking his/her smart phone, 96 minutes surfing on non-work related websites and the list is sempiternal. I mentioned the time in minutes so that you get a much more harsh feeling on wasting time as minutes seem larger than hours

1. Exercising 'But not'

We have been constantly tricking ourselves by believing that we actually are burning calories by exercising. But the inevitable truth is that we are burning more calories by just doing our normal day to day stuff (doing nothing) than we burn while exercising.

A lot of us don't "actually" workout. I mean that we just exercise for a very short period of time. Just think that you were allowed not to spend more than15 minutes every day with your loved one. None of us would enjoy this; this is the same with exercising. The more time you spend, the more gains you gain.

People say "Even after months of workouts in the gym, there is no transformation", they don't realize that they have been staring at their mobiles rather than steering their body towards their goal utilizing those equipment. People who go to gym very well knew that this point was coming up.

2. Managing Time

We all are different, in terms of everything literally. We all cannot follow a specific technique. The types of technique differ for each one of us or these techniques does not even work us.

The common mistake we all do is, not trying to stop wasting time instead, trying to manage time. I am not telling that it’s wrong to manage your time, managing time is one of the most efficient ways, but to manage first you got to have time. This is why we have to stop wasting time.

Another reason may include that a lot of us don't know how to schedule. This leads to all the possible ways through which we can waste our time. Hence trying to manage time can lead to waste of time (without proper steps).

3. Multitasking

If you would have ever multitasked, at least once you would have experienced the sense of self-esteem. The reason is we think that we are doing a lot of jobs at once so that we can finish all of them quicker, but innately we are slowing down the process that is supposed to be finished quickly. A 2009 study conducted by Stafford University showed that constant distractions also impact multitaskers’ ability to recall crucial steps involved in a complicated project.

4. Bathing

That feeling we all have when we just hop into the hot showers, just pleasant, pleasant and pleasant. The best part is that it just feels so calming, relaxing and soothing, but at the same time this is also the worst part. These feelings give a hike to the production of dopamine, which makes you feel to stay for an everlasting time on the showers.

Due to that reason, without your knowing you would be wasting your time. This is one of those minute things that don't even seem to waste our time, but that's what eats most of our time.

A lot of us take more than 15 minutes of shower; this is not good for our skin also. You can try including cold showers that make you feel to stay less time in the shower. Thinking that you want more time, don't skip your bath. That makes the situation of people around you really worse.

5. Social Media

I guess wasting time in social media does not even need a special explanation, because we all know how we are wasting our time on it. It’s all about our self-control. Hence, I am leaving this to you guys.

There are a lot more known times where we waste our time but I have not included them because it's known. Hence let us try not to waste our time, but make it fruitful.

Hemshyam Thangamani
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